Multiple sound source localization using 3D sound intensity microphone array This work was conducted as part of Master Project with colaboration of KAIST and DTU universities.
The methods and experiments are detaily explained in Master Thesis at:'s_Thesis_2014kaist-dtu_FilipFranek
To run the code and generate results as in Doc/Paper_LocalizationOfIncoherentMultipleSourcesUsingAThreeDimensionalSoundIntensityArray_FilipFranek2015.pdf run the code in Code/multi_si_bass.m in Matlab
The code is tested on Matlab 9.6 with the following toolboxes used:
- Signal Processing Toolbox V8.2
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox V11.5
- Curve Fitting Toolbox V3.5.9
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at email:[email protected]