Just another WordPress plugin boilerplate.
- PHP 7+;
- npm;
- Very easy setup;
- Gulp for task automatization;
- PHP Namespace usage;
- Clean code;
- Coding standards.
- Download or clone this repository inside your WordPress plugin folder.
into this plugin folder and set up your own names by using the following command. Replaceawesome-plugin
below with the names you want.
wp eval-file provision.php --skip-wordpress \
new-filename-prefix=awesome-plugin \
new-function-prefix=awesome_plugin \
new-class-prefix=Awesome_Plugin \
- If you executed the command above but has a change of mind, then you can make it right by using:
wp eval-file provision.php --skip-wordpress \
new-filename-prefix=other-plugin-name old-filename-prefix=awesome-plugin \
new-function-prefix=other_plugin_name old-function-prefix=awesome_plugin \
new-class-prefix=Other_Plugin_Name old-class-prefix=Awesome_Plugin \
new-namespace-prefix=OtherPluginName old-namespace-prefix=AwesomePlugin
Just create an issue followed by your Pull Request.
I appreciate you taking the initiative to contribute to this project.