is a Python library for reading and writing OME-TIFF files that
are compliant with the OME-XML specifications.
tries to cover most of the tags in the latest OMEXML format specification, while most of the available Python conversion tools are often missing key tags like PhysicalSizeXUnit
which are fundamental in any microscopy environment.
Run the following to install:
pip install pyometiff
exposes two main classes: OMETIFFReader
and OMETIFFWriter
you can use to read and write OME TIFF files.
To open a OME-TIFF image you can create an OMETIFFReader
object and call its .read()
import pathlib
from pyometiff import OMETIFFReader
img_fpath = pathlib.Path("/path/to/img.ome.tiff")
reader = OMETIFFReader(fpath=img_fpath)
img_array, metadata, xml_metadata =
similarly, to write an OME-TIFF file, we use the OMETIFFWriter
class and its .write()
method as in the example.
import pathlib
import numpy as np
from pyometiff import OMETIFFWriter
output_fpath = pathlib.Path.cwd().joinpath("test_out.ome.tiff")
# a template metadata dict is available at OMETIFFReader._get_metadata_template()
metadata_dict = {
"PhysicalSizeX" : "0.88",
"PhysicalSizeXUnit" : "µm",
"PhysicalSizeY" : "0.88",
"PhysicalSizeYUnit" : "µm",
"PhysicalSizeZ" : "3.3",
"PhysicalSizeZUnit" : "µm",
"Channels" : {
"405" : {
"Name" : "405nm",
"SamplesPerPixel": 1,
"ExcitationWavelength": 405.,
"ExcitationWavelengthUnit": "nm"
"488" : {
"Name" : "488nm",
"SamplesPerPixel": 1,
"ExcitationWavelength": 488.,
"ExcitationWavelengthUnit": "nm"
"638" : {
"Name" : "638nm",
"SamplesPerPixel": 1,
"ExcitationWavelength": 638.,
"ExcitationWavelengthUnit": "nm"
# our data in npy format
npy_array_data = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 10, 3, 512, 512), dtype=np.uint8)
# a string describing the dimension ordering
dimension_order = "ZTCYX"
writer = OMETIFFWriter(
is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GNU GPLv3),
see the LICENSE file for more info.
This implementation is partially based on aicsimageio by the Allen Institute for Cell Science and python-bioformats by the Broad Institute, part of the CellProfiler project.
The relative licensing and copyright notices are included in the LICENSE file.
- The Open Microscopy Environment - OME
- OME-TIFF format
- OME-TIFF specification
- OME-XML format
- OME-XML schema specification
Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7520378
author = {Filippo Castelli and
Giacomo Mazzamuto},
title = {filippocastelli/pyometiff: 1.0.0},
month = feb,
year = 2024,
publisher = {Zenodo},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10612149},
url = {}
Filippo Maria Castelli, PhD
[formerly] LENS, European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy