- Pro
SayMeQuizzApp Public
📺📝 A project involving a simulation of a live TV show, featuring a quiz game with other players. Built as single-user and single-page application, to present on live-stream platforms, also allowing…
JavaScript UpdatedOct 31, 2024 -
🌱💧A Django-based application to manage hydroponic systems with full CRUD capabilities, sensor data management, and user authentication.
RustyTodo Public
🐍🦀Simple task management API built with Actix-web in Rust. Tasks are stored in memory and can be retrieved or created via HTTP requests.
Rust UpdatedJul 17, 2024 -
MediBankSecureCash Public
🛡️🔐 A project involving simulation of a building security system allowing access to specific rooms by gates with cards. Additionally, containing implemented functionalities related to object-orient…
TypeScript UpdatedJul 4, 2024 -
FlashcardApp Public
A simple website with flashcards that contain information. After entering the site a random card containing information appears; after an activity, it appears the second, having information related…
PHP UpdatedJun 14, 2023 -
💻🖥 This project features a Client-Server Architecture where the Client interacts with the server by sending and receiving data. The Server processes client data, manages connections, and communicat…
oto_sadzonki Public
🌱🛒 A project involving management of seedlings system with implemented functionalities such as: user authentication, passwords encryption (using Argon), sessions, payments (using PayPal) and accou…
PHP UpdatedJan 20, 2023 -
🏷️🧮 A project meant for updating prices of products in database using Api and creating report of the database table. Also tracking information in log file.
Python UpdatedJul 5, 2022 -
data-warehouse-project-1 Public
📦 A project meant for collecting and analyze data on employment in the labor market using data warehouse. Data are given with "dirty" csv file, plan of data warehouse – star shape diagram, implemen…
UpdatedJul 5, 2022 -
yt-downloader-linux Public
Wymuszenie uruchomienia z poziomu root'a. Przyjęcie danych: link do filmiku na serwisie YouTube, czasu od którego użytkownik chce przyciąćfilmik, czas do którego chce go przyciąć, okreslenie rozsze…
Shell UpdatedJul 16, 2021