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go get -u

Query API

Multi level searches only works with SingularTableNames for PolymorphicModel and for equals

Field selection

Give the API consumer the ability to choose returned fields. This will also reduce the network traffic and speed up the usage of the API.

GET /cars?_fields=manufacturer,model,id,color

Preload selection

Give the API consumer the ability to choose preloaded (eager) relations. This will also reduce the network traffic and speed up the usage of the API.

GET /cars?_preloads=manufacturer,model,id,color


GET /cars?_offset=10&_limit=5
  • Add _offset and _limit (an X-Total-Count header is included in the response).

  • To send the total entries back to the user use the custom HTTP header: X-Total-Count.

  • Content-Range offset – limit / count.

    • offset: Index of the first element returned by the request.

    • limit: Index of the last element returned by the request.

    • count: Total number of elements in the collection.

  • Accept-Range resource max.


  • Allow ascending and descending sorting over multiple fields.
  • Use sort with underscore as _sort.
  • In code, descending describe as -, ascending describe as +.

GET /cars?_sort=-manufactorer,+model


  • Add _filter query parameter and continue with field names,operations and values separated by ,.
  • Pattern _filter=<fieldname><operation><value>.
  • Supported operations.
    • = equal
    • != not equal
    • < less
    • <= less or equals
    • > greater
    • >= greater or equals
    • ~= like
    • |= in (values must be separated with |
    • *= in alternative (values must be separated with *
  • NULL/mull/nil id reserved word. For ex. Name=NULL or Name!=NULL becomes IS NULL or IS NOT NULL


Full-text search

  • Add _q.

GET /cars?_q=nissan