In this week's project, the main focus was to practice React state skills by fetching and posting data to an API. Rect hook useEffect() was used.
Once cloned, navigate to the project's root directory and this project uses npm (Node Package Manager) to manage its dependencies.
The command below is a combination of installing dependencies, opening up the project on VS Code and it will run a development server on your terminal.
npm i && code . && npm run dev
The app allows users to share their thoughts, with each shared thought being added to the top of the existing thoughts. Users can also express their approval by liking others' thoughts. For a visual touch, the background color of the like button changes when it is liked.
- React components
- React hooks useEffect() and useState()
- API enpint
- GET and POST requests are used in the fetch operation.
- postman for validating api requests
Explore the happy Thoughts Project live: Happy-thoughts
See instructions of this project