The backend is live on
Run the yarn install sequelize
script first, and run seqeulize init
to initialize sequelize.
$ npm install --save sequelize
$ sequelize init
Then install the packages.
These are our package
$ npm install mysql2 express body-parser dotenv cors jsonwebtoken bcrypt express-validator nodemon
After installation complete, you can insert new file .env
then fill the env variables.
# change these
npm run start
Then open http://localhost:4000
You can use Heroku or Google Cloud Platform to deploy. Remember to change the environment variables as well.
mkdir projectname-backend
cd projectname-backend
npm init -y
sequelize init
First we need to create database using this script
$ sequelize db:create
sequelize will automatically create database name use DB_NAME
after database created, we need to make tables or models .
$ sequelize model:generate --name create-user --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string,password:string
after adding new migration for adding user table. use this code for migrating user table to database
$ sequelize db:migrate
use same code to create threads
with a different attributes and comments
then use db:migrate
to migrate new table to database.
MIT License