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Emacs configuration

This is my configuration for (Doom) Emacs. It is written using org mode, which allows for a literate programming style, with code blocks interleaved with descriptive prose. (Doom handles the tangling, into config.el, via the literate switch in init.el) This is solely intended for my own use, but feel free to copy any hacks or solutions you happen to find useful!

DOOM settings

Setting the theme

I like the nord theme:

(setq doom-theme 'doom-nord)

solarized is also popular:

;; (setq doom-theme 'solarized-dark)

This is the default theme:

;; (setq doom-theme 'doom-one)

Changing the image on the dashboard

This replaces the default DOOM logo with the standard Emacs one, located in ~/.config/doom/images.

(when (file-exists-p (concat doom-user-dir "images"))
  (setq +doom-dashboard-banner-padding '(0 . 2)
        fancy-splash-image (concat doom-user-dir "images/medium-emacs-logo.png")))

This replaces the DOOM ASCII banner, which appears when running Emacs in the terminal.

(defun minimal-banner-fn ()
  (let* ((banner '("██████╗"
                   "╚╝╚═══╝ "))
         (longest-line (apply #'max (mapcar #'length banner))))
     (dolist (line banner (point))
       (insert (+doom-dashboard--center
                (concat line (make-string (max 0 (- longest-line (length line))) 32)))
     'face 'doom-dashboard-banner)))

(setq +doom-dashboard-ascii-banner-fn #'minimal-banner-fn)

Font settings

DOOM has three font settings (clearly more – see unicode font variable below):

  1. doom-font
  2. doom-variable-pitch-font
  3. doom-big-font – used for doom-big-font-mode; use this for presentations or streaming.

Each of them takes a font-spec, font string (“Input Mono-12”), or xlfd font string.

I’m currently trying out

  • the Google font Inconsolata (it has no italic variant)
  • JetBrains Mono
  • but might go back to InconsolataLGC, which has an italic variant. (nope – this looks very fuzzy for whatever reason)
  • Others to try:
    • Akkurat Mono?
    • Fire Code

TODO: use variable pitch font in Org mode? Need to find a better one … ET Book? Plantin? Garamond??

(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "JetBrainsMono NF" :size 14 :weight 'semi-light)
      doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Palatino Linotype" :size 16)
     doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Source Sans Pro" :size 14)

Setting a unicode font that has the right power line symbols for my terminal customisation.

(setq doom-symbol-font (font-spec :family "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font" :size 11))

UI preferences

Line numbers

Set default line number behaviour (t: absolute, relative: relative, nil: none).

(setq display-line-numbers-type t)

Quality of life fixes

Switch to the new window after splitting

By default, when the window is split the focus remains in the original window. Usually I’m splitting because I want to do something new in a separate window, so that isn’t the behaviour I want.

(setq evil-split-window-below t
      evil-vsplit-window-right t)

Enable mouse in terminal Emacs

Not needed with Doom’s build in tty module?

;; (setq xterm-mouse-mode 1)

Change undo behaviour

Undo by default considers anything taking place between entering insert mode and leaving it as one edit operation, which means you can lose a whole paragraph when you just want to undo a single word. This fixes that somewhat. The default behaviour seems to be different on my Macbook, which is why I’ve kept this in an OS-specific place. Need to investigate further. 20/9/21: this behaviour now also seems to happen on Mac (perhaps after updating to Big Sur?), so I’m making it a global change.

;; (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
  (setq evil-want-fine-undo t)
  ;; )

Choose what files to hide when searching with counsel-locate

This hides files starting with # or ., or ending with # or ~.

(setq counsel-find-file-ignore-regexp
         ;; File names beginning with # or .
         ;; File names ending with # or ~

Allow Emacs to ask about potentially dangerous local variables

Sometimes it’s useful to evaluate elisp code in local variables. The default setting in Doom is to only allow ones previously identified as safe. This way Emacs asks if it encounters something new. So this is still pretty safe – things won’t evaluate without my knowledge – but it’s a bit more flexible.

(setq enable-local-variables t)

Start with auto-complete off

(after! company
  (setq company-idle-delay nil)

Change some keybindings

Add some more familiar keybindings:

  • C-s saves
  • C-/ comments/uncomments
  • (Ideally C-z would undo, but this is stubbornly set to evil-emacs-state …)
    (when (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
      (global-set-key "\C-s" 'save-buffer)
      (global-set-key [?\C-\/] 'evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines)
      ;; (global-set-key "\C-z" 'undo)

Open mailto links with external program

Using open to run default mail app rather than Emacs.

(when (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
  (setq browse-url-mailto-function 'browse-url-generic)
  (setq browse-url-generic-program "open")

Opening external files

Set external apps to open some files.

(use-package! openwith
  :after-call pre-command-hook
  (openwith-mode t)
  (setq openwith-associations
         (list (openwith-make-extension-regexp
                '("doc" "docx" "xls" "xlsx" "ppt" "odt" "ods" "odg" "odp"))
         (list (openwith-make-extension-regexp
                '("pdf" "ps" "ps.gz" "dvi"))

Settings for opening links in Org files.

(setq org-file-apps
 '((auto-mode . emacs)
   (directory . emacs)
   ("\\.mm\\'" . default)
   ("\\.x?html?\\'" . default)
   ("\\.docx?\\'" . "libreoffice %s")
   ("\\.xlsx?\\'" . "libreoffice %s")
   ("\\.pdf\\'" . default)

Re-adding drag-stuff package

This was removed in a Doom update (see discussion here), but I am used to it, so reactivating the relevant keybinds here:

(use-package! drag-stuff
   :defer t
  (map! "<M-up>"    #'drag-stuff-up
        "<M-down>"  #'drag-stuff-down
        "<M-left>"  #'drag-stuff-left
        "<M-right>" #'drag-stuff-right))


Getting python to use a virtual environment

From here.

(after! pyvenv
 (setq pyvenv-mode-line-indicator
        '(pyvenv-virtual-env-name ("[venv:" pyvenv-virtual-env-name "] ")))
  (pyvenv-mode +1))


Stop projectile auto-detecting projects and filling the project list with random folders.

(setq projectile-track-known-projects-automatically nil)


Fix clash with python +pyenv module

The Doom Python pyenv module maps C-c C-s to pyenv-mode-set and overwrites the same keybinding for LaTeX-section. Since I use LaTeX more than I use pyenv, let’s fix that.

;; (map! :after python
;;       :mode LaTeX-mode-map
;;       "C-c C-s" #'LaTeX-section)
(map! :after python
      "C-c C-s" nil)

Make latex-mode run LaTeX-mode

(Issue started with update on 7/1/25.)

(defalias 'latex-mode 'LaTeX-mode)

Stop flycheck mode operating in LaTeX modes

Apparently a lot of how I write LaTeX upsets flycheck, so I just end up with a bunch of irrelevant error messages. This disables it.

(setq flycheck-global-modes '(not LaTeX-mode latex-mode))

Turn off rainbow-delimiters

It seems to bug out every so often and highlight every parenthesis going …

(after! tex
  (remove-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode))

Start new LaTeX documents from templates

Directory where we can find the templates.

(setq latex-templates-directory "~/Dropbox/git/latex-templates/templates/")

List of templates with keys for the new-latex function. Also abstract? ‘research proposal’ (from latex-templates folder)?

(setq latex-templates-list '(("Article" . "article-template.tex")
                             ("Tufte-style handout" . "tufte-handout-template.tex")
                             ("Plain" . "plain-template.tex")
                             ("Conference presentation slides" . "conference-presentation-template.tex")
                             ("Lecture slides" . "lecture-template.tex")
                             ("Specify your own template file" . "")))

This is the function which makes a new LaTeX file from one of these templates. First it asks for one of the keys in the alist latex-templates, then, if the cdr of that cons cell is empty, prompts for the location of the template. Otherwise, it uses the value of the cdr and concatenates it with the value of latex-templates-directory and asks for a filename/location to copy it to. (The 1 argument to copy-file asks for confirmation if the file already exists.)

(defun new-latex ()
  "Make a new LaTeX file based on a template.
   Asks for the template, then for a filename to copy it to."
  (let* ((template (completing-read "Choose template: " latex-templates-list))
         (template-filename (cdr (assoc template latex-templates-list))))
    (if (string= template-filename"")
          (copy-file (read-file-name "Find file: ") (setq new-latex-filename (read-file-name "Enter name for new file: ")) 1)
          (find-file new-latex-filename)
          (copy-file (concat latex-templates-directory template-filename) (setq new-latex-filename (read-file-name "Enter name for new file: ")) 1)
          (find-file new-latex-filename)


Set default .bib file.

(setq bibtex-completion-bibliography '("~/Dropbox/tex-files/linguistics.bib"))

Keybind to launch helm-bibtex – mapped to SPC o h.

(map! :leader
      :desc "Helm BibTeX"
      "o h" #'helm-bibtex)

Set cite commands available in helm-bibtex.

(setq bibtex-completion-cite-commands '("citet" "citep" "citealt" "citealp" "citets" "citealts"))
(setq bibtex-completion-cite-default-command "citet")

Specify where PDFs are to be found. “Bibtex-completion assumes that the name of a PDF consists of the BibTeX key followed plus a user-defined suffix (.pdf by default). For example, if a BibTeX entry has the key Darwin1859, bibtex-completion searches for Darwin1859.pdf.” (

(setq bibtex-completion-library-path '("~/Dropbox/academic/papers"))

Specify the BibTeX field to use to specify the filename (I don’t want to use the default key.pdf naming system since I’ve gotten used to my own way of doing things.).

(setq bibtex-completion-pdf-field "pdf")

helm-bibtex changed its commands to swap Tab and C-z **shrugs**, so I’m changing it back:

(map! :after helm
           :map helm-map
           "TAB"      #'helm-select-action
           [tab]      #'helm-select-action
           "C-z"      #'helm-execute-persistent-action)


Used just for org-roam searching at the moment.

The deft directory is the same as my org-roam directory.

(setq deft-directory "~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki")

We’re looking for org files, so set the default deft extension accordingly:

(setq deft-default-extension "org")

There is at least one sub-directory in my org-roam directory (the ‘daily’ directory), so allow deft to search recursively:

(setq deft-recursive t)

Org mode

Set Org locations

Set the Org directory. I keep my Org files on Dropbox for easy access across devices, including PCs at work, etc.

(setq org-directory "~/Dropbox/org/")

I use a single archive file which includes information about what file each entry comes from.

(setq org-archive-location "~/Dropbox/org/* From %s")

Set files the agenda should pull from. gcal is where Google Calendar entries are stored (not used at the moment). master was my main Org file. flagged is where org-mobile entries are stored (also not used). work is for professional tasks, personal for personal ones. Also adding some project-specific files, like for UNLU.

[UPDATE (11/5/22) – the wrong, fully expanded option was being set in custom.el; no idea why I did that. But it’s working happily again now. NOTE: this didn’t use to need the after! org code, but then the org-agenda-files list started changing to a shorter list with fully expanded ’~’, etc. Possibly after I installed/configured org-roam? Maybe something to look at, but it seems happy now at any rate … 15/1/22: had a related problem on Arch – it set the list to fully expanded Windows filepaths (i.e. ~ became c:/Users/Jamie …). Simply evaluating the setq expression fixed it. And even though the bug originally happened with the after! block, removing it didn’t help. It now seems happy again (24/1/22), but I still don’t understand the source of the error.]

(setq org-agenda-files (list "~/Dropbox/org/" "~/Dropbox/org/" "~/Dropbox/org/" "~/Dropbox/org/" "~/Dropbox/academic/jobs/oslo-unlu-postdoc/project" "~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki" "~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki/daily"))

General Org settings

Add inline TODOs. (Removed for now. Not really compatible with how I do things.)

;; (require 'org-inlinetask)

Allow shift-select to work in most contexts.

(setq org-support-shift-select t)

Enable the use of xdg-open for browse-url.

(setq browse-url-can-use-xdg-open t)

Change filepath links to always be absolute. (Possible values are absolute and relative, with the obvious meanings, along with noabbrev, which is like absolute except that it doesn’t abbreviate the home directory as ~, and adaptive, which uses relative paths for files in or below the current directory, and absolute paths otherwise.)

(setq org-link-file-path-type 'absolute)

Setting the default TODO states.

(after! org
  (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "INPROG(i)" "READING(r)" "BLOCKED(b)" "PROJ(p)" "SOMEDAY(s)" "|" "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c)"))))

Add some colour to my custom TODO keywords.

(after! org
  (setq org-todo-keyword-faces '(("READING" . "#EBCB8B")
                                 ("BLOCKED" . "#D08770")
                                 ("PROJ" . "#9099AB")
                                 ("SOMEDAY" . "#5699AF"))))

Set the levels of priority in org mode. Values below 65 are numerical, while from 65 upwards they are alphabetic (65=A, 66=B, etc.). I’ve included a slightly larger range of priorities: A–D, rather than A–C, and also set the default as C rather than B. This allows me to have two more-urgent-than-default stages (I’m using this for reading lists at the moment).

(setq org-priority-highest 65
    org-priority-lowest 68
    org-priority-default 67)

Set the colours of the priority tags (THIS NEEDS PRETTIFYING: at the moment I’m just stopping D being red like A).

(after! org
  (setq org-priority-faces '((65 . error)
                           (66 . warning)
                           (67 . success)
                           (68 . success)))

I’ve not quite decided whether I like blocked tasks being greyed out or not. At the moment the only such tasks I have are PROJs.

(setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil)

Add a timestamp to TODO items when they are changed to DONE.

(setq org-log-done 'time)

Use syntax highlighting in source blocks while editing.

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)

Make TAB act as if it were issued in a buffer of the language’s major mode.

(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)

Have org files start out folded.

(after! org
(setq org-startup-folded t)

Prettifying Org mode

Make headlines larger.

  `(org-level-1 :inherit outline-1 :height 1.5)
  `(org-level-2 :inherit outline-2 :height 1.3)
  `(org-level-3 :inherit outline-3 :height 1.15)
  `(org-level-4 :inherit outline-4 :height 1.1)
  `(org-document-title :inherit outline-1 :weight bold :height 2.0 :foreground ,(doom-color 'dark-blue))

Hide emphasis markup.

(setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t)

Change Org mode to use proportional font by default. (Makes things a bit easier to read, but not sure it’s really good in the long run, so disabled for now.)

;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'variable-pitch-mode)

Change the default ... at the end of a header into an arrow.

;; (setq org-ellipsis "⤵")
;; (setq org-ellipsis "▼")
;; (setq org-ellipsis "↴")



Translate quotes into typographically correct curly quotes (doesn’t seem to work with HTML; maybe just PDF via LaTeX?).

(setq org-export-with-smart-quotes t)


Don’t include the footer with name/publication time etc. at the end of every HTML document.

(setq org-html-postamble nil)


(with-eval-after-load 'ox-latex
(add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
               ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
               ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
               ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
               ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
               ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))))

Allowing ignoring of headlines when exporting (but retaining their contents – good for adding structure like the bibliography or org-specific variables or properties):

(use-package! ox-extra
  (ox-extras-activate '(ignore-headlines)))


org-superstar helps to prettify Org mode.

Activate superstar-mode when org-mode is activated (not necessary now I’m using Doom’s built-in +pretty flag in init.el).

;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-superstar-mode 1)))

Allow special bullets for different TODO keywords.

(setq org-superstar-special-todo-items t)

Change TODO items to an open bullet, WAITING to a half full one, DONE to a full one, and CANCELLED to a crossed-through empty bullet.

(after! org-superstar
  (setq org-superstar-todo-bullet-alist
      '(("TODO" . ?○)
        ("SOMEDAY" . ?○)
        ("READING" . ?○)
        ("INPROG" . ?◐)
        ("DONE" . ?●)
        ("CANCELLED" . ?⦻)

Change the bullet point shape used for all normal headers.

(setq org-superstar-headline-bullets-list '(""))
;; (setq org-superstar-headline-bullets-list '("◉"))

Custom structure templates

Add a shortcut for including blocks of code to the org-insert-structure-template command (default kbd C-c C-,).

(after! org
  (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("el" . "src emacs-lisp"))
  (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("p" . "src python"))
  (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("u" . "src unlu-rules"))

Agenda/task management settings

Basic settings

Agenda items without a timestamp shouldn’t be considered late.

(setq org-agenda-sort-notime-is-late nil)

Custom functions

These functions are used for sorting and displaying agenda items in custom agenda views.

(print-deadline) returns an entry’s deadline in the format “dd Mon yy” if it has one, otherwise returns “-“.

(defun print-deadline () "Return an org-mode entry's deadline if it has one" ;;
           ((deadline (org-get-deadline-time (point))))
         (if deadline
             (concat "(" (format-time-string "%d %b '%y" deadline) ")")
           (concat (make-string 5 ?\s) "-"))

(print-scheduled) does the same for an entry’s scheduled time.

(defun print-scheduled () "Return an org-mode entry's scheduled time if it has one" ;;
           ((scheduled-time (org-get-scheduled-time (point))))
         (if scheduled-time
             (concat "(" (format-time-string "%d %b '%y" scheduled-time) ")")
           (concat (make-string 5 ?\s) "-"))

(org-get-padded-deadline SIZE) returns the result of print-deadline in the form of a string whose length is SIZE, i.e. either padded or trimmed as necessary.

(defun org-get-padded-deadline (size)
  "Return string of length SIZE whether it contains a deadline
  timestamp or whichever message is chosen for items without
  (let* ((dl-str (print-deadline))
         (padding (- size (length dl-str))))
    (if (< padding 0) (substring dl-str 0 size)
      (concat dl-str (make-string padding ?\s ))))

(org-get-padded-days-to-deadline SIZE) returns a string consisting of the number of days until the agenda item deadline followed by a “d”, or the empty string if there is no deadline, padded to length SIZE.

(defun org-get-padded-days-to-deadline (size)
  "Return string of length SIZE either containing the days to the
  deadline if there is one, or nothing if not."
  (let* ((deadline (org-get-deadline-time (point)))
         (days-num (org-time-stamp-to-now (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" deadline)))
         (days-str (if deadline
                       (concat (number-to-string days-num) "d")
         (padding (- size (length days-str)))
    (if (< padding 0) (substring days-str 0 size)
      (if (< days-num 0)
          (concat days-str (make-string padding ?\s))
          (concat " " days-str (make-string (- padding 1) ?\s))

A function to retrieve the title attribute of an org-mode file. (From here.)

(defun get-title (file)
  (let (title)
    (when file
          (get-file-buffer file)
        (pcase (org-collect-keywords '("TITLE"))
          (`(("TITLE" . ,val))
           (setq title (car val)))))

If the agenda item is from my private or professional org files, then (org-get-padded-todo-parent SIZE) returns a string containing its parent’s label, padded to length SIZE. If it is from another file, the org-mode TITLE of the file is used instead.

(defun org-get-padded-todo-parent (size)
  "Return string of length SIZE containing either padded or truncated parent name."
  (if (or (equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "") (equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) ""))
      (let* ((parent (car (last(org-get-outline-path))))
             (padding (- size (length parent))))
             (if (<= padding 0) (concat "[" (substring parent 0 (- size 1)) "] " ) (concat "[" parent "]" (make-string padding ?\s ))))
      (let* ((parent (get-title buffer-file-name))
             (padding (- size (length parent))))
        (if (< padding 0) (concat "[" (substring parent 0 (- size 1)) "] ") (concat "[" parent "]" (make-string padding ?\s ))))

This version adds a slash between the file name and the heading if it’s not from the files listed at the top.

;; (defun org-get-padded-todo-parent (size)
;;   "Return string of length SIZE containing either padded or truncated parent name."
;;   (if (or (equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "") (equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) ""))
;;       (let* ((parent (car (last(org-get-outline-path))))
;;              (padding (- size (length parent))))
;;              (if (< padding 0) (concat "[" (substring parent 0 (- size 1)) "] " ) (concat "[" parent "]" (make-string padding ?\s ))))
;;       (let* ((parent (concat (get-title buffer-file-name) "/" (car (last(org-get-outline-path)))))
;;              (padding (- size (length parent))))
;;         (if (< padding 0) (concat "[" (substring parent 0 (- size 1)) "] ") (concat "[" parent "]" (make-string padding ?\s ))))
;;       ))

This version adds a special leading string if the agenda item is from one of the listed files.

;; (defun org-get-padded-todo-parent (size)
;;   "Return string of length SIZE containing either padded or truncated parent name."
;;   (cond ((equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "")
;;                 (let* ((parent (concat "Personal/" (car (last(org-get-outline-path)))))
;;                        (padding (- size (length parent))))
;;                        (if (< padding 0) (concat "[" (substring parent 0 (- size 1)) "] " ) (concat "[" parent "]" (make-string padding ?\s )))))
;;         ((equal (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "")
;;                 (let* ((parent (concat "Work/" (car (last(org-get-outline-path)))))
;;                        (padding (- size (length parent))))
;;                        (if (< padding 0) (concat "[" (substring parent 0 (- size 1)) "] " ) (concat "[" parent "]" (make-string padding ?\s )))))
;;         (t (let* ((parent (concat (get-title buffer-file-name) "/" (car (last(org-get-outline-path)))))
;;                   (padding (- size (length parent))))
;;                   (if (< padding 0) (concat "[" (substring parent 0 (- size 1)) "] ") (concat "[" parent "]" (make-string padding ?\s )))))
;;   )
;; )

(org-deadline-cmp A B) compares deadlines of org agenda entries A and B. The standard deadline-up=​/​=deadline-down, which uses org-cmp-ts, seems not to sort entries with no deadline appropriately (they all appear at the top, regardless of the setting of org-agenda-sort-notime-is-late).

(defun org-deadline-cmp (a b)
  "Compares the deadlines of two org agenda items, a and b,
and returns -1 if a is before b, or +1 if a is after b"
    (let* (
           (default (if org-agenda-sort-notime-is-late -1 most-positive-fixnum))
           (a-pos (get-text-property 0 'org-marker a))
           (b-pos (get-text-property 0 'org-marker b))
           (a-string (org-entry-get a-pos "DEADLINE"))
           (b-string (org-entry-get b-pos "DEADLINE"))
           (a-num (if a-string (org-2ft a-string) default))
           (b-num (if b-string (org-2ft b-string) default))
          (cond ((< a-num b-num) -1)
          ((< b-num a-num) +1))

Custom agenda views

The ‘prefix’ for TODO lists determines what gets displayed before the actual TODO item. I like to show the days until the deadline, the actual deadline, and what the parent of the TODO item is. (This uses the functions defined in the previous section.)

(defun org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix ()
  "Custom prefix for my TODO list view in the agenda"
  (concat (org-get-padded-days-to-deadline 6) (org-get-padded-deadline 14)  (org-get-padded-todo-parent 18))

This function (from here) hides agenda blocks with no entries.

(defun org-agenda-delete-empty-blocks ()
 "Remove empty agenda blocks.
 A block is identified as empty if there are fewer than 2
 non-empty lines in the block (excluding the line with
 `org-agenda-block-separator' characters)."
 (when org-agenda-compact-blocks
   (user-error "Cannot delete empty compact blocks"))
 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (let* ((blank-line-re "^\\s-*$")
          (content-line-count (if (looking-at-p blank-line-re) 0 1))
          (start-pos (point))
          (block-re (format "%c\\{10,\\}" org-agenda-block-separator)))
     (while (and (not (eobp)) (forward-line))
        ((looking-at-p block-re)
         (when (< content-line-count 2)
           (delete-region start-pos (1+ (line-beginning-position))))
         (setq start-pos (point))
         (setq content-line-count (if (looking-at-p blank-line-re) 0 1)))
        ((not (looking-at-p blank-line-re))
         (setq content-line-count (1+ content-line-count)))))
     (when (< content-line-count 2)
       (delete-region start-pos (point-max)))
     (goto-char (point-min))
     ;; The above strategy can leave a separator line at the beginning
     ;; of the buffer.
     (when (looking-at-p block-re)
       (delete-region (point) (1+ (line-end-position))))))
 (setq buffer-read-only t))

We then add it to the org-agenda-finalize-hook.

(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook #'org-agenda-delete-empty-blocks)

Use my own deadline sorting function as the user-defined one.

(setq org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'org-deadline-cmp)

My own agenda view, which makes use of the custom prefix and splits up the TODOs into different blocks. I need to work out what I want from the agenda proper, so for now I’ve left it out. I also have a ‘test view’ that I use for experimenting. TODOs are sorted with the most pressing at the top.

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
        '(("c" "My agenda view"
            (todo "TODO|INPROG" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Uncategorised TODOs")
                         (org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki/daily"))
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         ;;(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'org-deadline-cmp-3)
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            (todo "BLOCKED" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Blocked uncategorised TODOs")
                         (org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki/daily"))
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            (todo "TODO|INPROG" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Personal TODOs")
                         (org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/"))
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         ;;(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'org-deadline-cmp-3)
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            (todo "BLOCKED" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Blocked personal TODOs")
                         (org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/"))
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            (tags "TODO=\"TODO\"|TODO=\"INPROG\"|PRIORITY=\"A\"+TODO=\"READING\"" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Professional TODOs")
                         ;; Using a regexp to match things I don't want in my professional TODOs: in this case, the dir my-wiki, along with the subdir daily, and my file.
                         ;; I don't just specify explicitly, as I want to allow other project files to be included.
                         (org-agenda-files (cl-remove-if (lambda (x) (string-match "\\(?:my-wiki\\(?:/daily\\)?\\|personal\\.org\\)" x)) org-agenda-files))
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((tags . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         ;;(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'org-deadline-cmp-3)
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((tags user-defined-up)))
            (todo "BLOCKED" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Blocked professional TODOs")
                         ;; Using a regexp to match things I don't want in my professional TODOs: in this case, the dir my-wiki, along with the subdir daily, and my file.
                         ;; I don't just specify explicitly, as I want to allow other project files to be included.
                         (org-agenda-files (cl-remove-if (lambda (x) (string-match "\\(?:my-wiki\\(?:/daily\\)?\\|personal\\.org\\)" x)) org-agenda-files))
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            ;; (todo "TODO|INPROG" (
            ;;              (org-agenda-overriding-header "Wiki TODOs")
            ;;              (org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki"))
            ;;              (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
            ;;              ;;(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'org-deadline-cmp-3)
            ;;              (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            ;;              )
            ;;       )
            (todo "BLOCKED" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Blocked wiki TODOs")
                         (org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki"))
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            (todo "PROJ" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Ongoing projects")
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            (tags "PRIORITY=\"A\"+TODO=\"READING\"|PRIORITY=\"B\"+TODO=\"READING\"" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "Priority reading list")
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format '((tags . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((tags user-defined-up priority-down)))
            (todo "SOMEDAY" (
                             (org-agenda-overriding-header "Things to get round to some day ...")
                             (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                             (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
            ;; (agenda "")
          ("r" "Reading lists"
            (todo "READING" (
                             (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")))
                             (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up priority-down)))
          ("w" "This week"
           ((tags-todo "this_week" (
                         (org-agenda-overriding-header "To do this week")
                         (org-agenda-prefix-format "%(org-agenda-todo-custom-prefix)")
                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((user-defined-up priority-down)))
        ;;   ("R" "Test view"
        ;;    ((alltodo "" (
        ;;                  (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . "%(org-agenda-custom-prefix)")))
        ;;                  (org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'deadline-sort)
        ;;                  (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo user-defined-up)))
        ;;                 )
        ;;              )
        ;;     )
        ;;   )


First, a function which can be called when capturing an item to ask under what headline it should be filed (a pared down version of this solution:

(defun org-ask-location ()
    (let* ((org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 9)))
           (hd (car (cdr (cdr (org-refile-get-location "Headline" nil t)))))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (re-search-forward hd nil nil)

My capture templates – simple for now: TODO entries for personal and professional tasks, and one to add something to my (professional) reading list (with [#A] priority so it appears on the agenda view).

(after! org
  (setq org-capture-templates
          ("p" "Personal TODO item" entry (file+headline "" "To-do list")
           "* TODO %?")
          ("w" "Work TODO item" entry (file+headline "" "To-do list")
           "* TODO %?")
          ("r" "READING item" entry (file+headline "" "Reading list")
           "* READING [#A] %?")


Set the org-roam directory:

(setq org-roam-directory "~/Dropbox/org/my-wiki")

Generic modes

Add some nice syntax highlighting for the rules.dat file in the UNLU project.

   'unlu-rules-mode                          ;; name of the mode to create
   '("# " "##")                              ;; comments start with '#'
   '("relation" "coarsePos"
     "lemma")                                ;; some keywords
     ("![\\{)a-z ]" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
     ("\\^" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
     ("=" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("->" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     (";" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("-o" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("+" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     (":" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("~" . font-lock-negation-char-face)
     ;; ("\\\\[a-zA-Z]" . font-lock-constant-face)
     ("#[1-9]" . font-lock-type-face)
     )                                       ;; extra highlights
   '("\\.dat$")                              ;; files for which to activate this mode
   '(rainbow-delimiters-mode)                ;; other functions to call
   "A mode for the UNLU project rule file"   ;; doc string for this mode

Adding some syntax highlighting to GRS files for Grew graph rewriting.

   'grs-mode                                 ;; name of the mode to create
   '("%")                              ;; comments start with '%'
   '("package" "rule" "pattern" "strat"
     "commands" "with" "without" "del_feat"
     "add_edge" "del_edge"
     "Pick" "Alt" "Onf" "Seq" "Iter" "If" "Try") ;; some keywords
     ("![\\{)a-z ]" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
     ("\\^" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
     ("=" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("->" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     (";" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("+" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("|" . font-lock-builtin-face)
     ("!" . font-lock-negation-char-face)
     ;; ("\\\\[a-zA-Z]" . font-lock-constant-face)
     ("#[1-9]" . font-lock-type-face)
     )                                       ;; extra highlights
   '("\\.grs$")                              ;; files for which to activate this mode
   '(rainbow-delimiters-mode)                ;; other functions to call
   "A mode for the UNLU project rule file"   ;; doc string for this mode


My (Doom) Emacs config files






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