Findy Agency is an open-source project for a decentralized identity agency. OP Lab developed it from 2019 to 2024. The project is no longer maintained, but the work will continue with new goals and a new mission. Follow the blog for updates.
Findy Agency is a collection of services (Core, Auth, this service and Web Wallet) that provide full SSI agency along with a web wallet for individuals. To start experimenting with Findy Agency we recommend you to start with the documentation and set up the agency to your localhost environment.
Vault provides both
- Data storage service for findy-agency clients
- Abstraction/Convenience layer for agency protocol APIs which can be used through GraphQL interface.
Vault provides currently only a GraphQL API but intends to support also GRPC in the future. As a findy-agency client you can use also the findy-agent GRPC APIs directly, but will have to implement possible data storing and indexing capabilities yourself.
The vault API is currently missing proper documentation, but you can figure out the functionality from the API schema.
Authentication is implemented with agency-wide JWT token. You can generate a JWT token easily for your agent e.g. using the CLI tool or web wallet application.
Easiest is to start playing around with the queries:
- connections are the existing pairwise connections to other agents
- messages are sent and received messages through the Aries basic message protocol
- credentials are the credentials possessed by the holder (agent), received through the Aries issue credential protocol
- proofs are the proofs sent by the holder (agent), sent through the Aries present proof protocol
- jobs are differented Aries protocol flows the agent has participated in. Information from unfinished connections, messages, credentials or proofs can be obtained through jobs.
The API pagination is implemented according to GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification.
You can find the full schema diaram here.
It is recommended to study web wallet implementation to understand more about the API features.
Run app
go run . version
You shoud see something similar to this:
I0526 14:43:44.750568 50912 config.go:68] Configuration file was not found, using environment/default variables only Vault version dev
Vault cannot function without a working installation of core agency. Either setup core agency to your local machine or use agency installation in the cloud.
Vault can be configured using configuration file or environment variables. Following settings are required when running vault locally (note "<>" indicates example value, and should be replaced):
# core agency address export FAV_AGENCY_HOST="<>" # core agency port export FAV_AGENCY_PORT="<50051>" # path to agency grpc cert files export FAV_AGENCY_CERT_PATH="<scripts/test-cert>" # true if this vault is the primary vault for the agency installation export FAV_AGENCY_MAIN_SUBSCRIBER=false # common agency JWT secret export FAV_JWT_KEY="<jwt-secret-common-with-core>" # vault database password (any password) export FAV_DB_PASSWORD="<password-for-postgres>" # vault server port export FAV_SERVER_PORT=8085 # true if graphQL playground should be served in service root export FAV_USE_PLAYGROUND=true
Vault uses postgres to store its data. You can start postgres in a docker container:
make db
Start vault by running the app with no arguments
go run .
Unit tests assume postgres is running on port 5433.
Launch default postgres container by declaring password for postgres user:
export FAV_DB_PASSWORD="mysecretpassword"
and running
make init-test
You can run all unit tests with command
go test ./...
For linting, you need to install golangci-lint
make check
builds, tests and lints the code.
Check docs-folder