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A work in progress game engine/framework.

Tested with:

- Compiler: g++
- Version: g++.exe (Rev3, Built by MSYS2 project) 12.1.0
- OS: Windows 11
- Version 2.6.1
- Version: 1.x (2024-08-20)
- Version: 2.4
- Version: 4.1.0

Class breakdown

  • This excludes Managers
File Brief Description
Vector2.hpp Vector2 class with some helper functions and conversion functions to and from tgui, sfml, and box2d vectors
Rotation.hpp Rotation class with some helper functions and conversion functions to and from box2d Rotations
Color.hpp Color class with some helper functions and conversion functions to and from sfml and tgui colors
Transform.hpp 2D Transform class with some helper functions and conversion functions to and from box2d transforms
EngineSettings.hpp Variable definitions for the engine
Object.hpp The base object class storing information every object has (Transform, id, enabled, and children)
UpdateInterface.hpp An interface that can be derived from to implement update functions
WindowHandler.hpp A simple wrapper for a SFML window with a few helper functions
Input.hpp Easy to use implementation for simple input handling. Has basic functionality with just sf::Keyboard::Key and sf::Mouse::Button. Also implements Input::Action(s) which are compared by name. Input::Action::Event are how actions change state, each Action can have multiple events which can also have multiple keys/buttons
DrawableObject.hpp An interface for drawable objects which can be derived from to implement drawing
Renderer.hpp A object implementation of the DrawableObject interface for SFML shapes
Camera.hpp A camera object for drawing to the screen. Cameras can be layered (this does not affect what is drawn to the camera)
Canvas.hpp A object class used for creating UI in screen and global space. Currently only functional in screen space (until required nothing will be done)
Collider.hpp A collider object class that can be derived from or added as a child to an object (although not set up properly yet). It also stores the Contact/Collision Data and PreSolve Contact/Collision Data classes
Fixture.hpp A simple wrapper around the box2d b2Fixture class that links in with the Collider class
WorldHandler.hpp A simple wrapper than handles the box2d world
Joint.hpp Currently not implemented (until required nothing will be done)
NetworkObject.hpp A very simple implementation of objects which will be used in a multiplayer game (Not finished)
NetworkTypes.hpp Used for initializing network types so that they can be created over the network (Not finished)
SettingBase.hpp The base class for a setting
Settings.hpp A Settings "Manager" which handles the creation and management of settings
SettingsUI.hpp Derived from Settings.hpp and is an object which creates UI for the settings that are added to it
Setting Classes setting types that are derived from SettingBase and implemented in SettingsUI


A work in progress game framework from scratch







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