This project is no longer being maintained, and its usage should be replaced with Vavr (
This project adds some concepts that didn't ship with java 8 lambda project like Either<L,R> or Pair<L,R> etc...
The Either
class provides a way to enforce failure handling in the same fashion as Optional
is a way to enforce null
values handling.
Convention dictates that Left
is used for failure path and Right
is used for success / happy path.
For a failure:
final Either<String, String> var = Either.left("My failure text");
For a success:
final Either<String, String> var = Either.right("My text");
There is no way to directly access the value inside an Either
in the same way as Optional.get()
This is made on purpose to avoid code in the style of if(either.isRight()) { either.getRight(); }
which promotes not handling the failure cases (left side).
final Either<String, String> var = ...;
final String myValue = either.fold(failure -> handleFailure(failure), Function.identity())
For the Left
final Either<String, String> var = ...;
final Either<Integer, String> transformed = var.left().map(Integer::valueOf);
For the Right
final Either<String, String> var = ...;
final Either<String, Integer> transformed = var.right().map(Integer::valueOf);
final Logger LOGGER = ...;
final Either<Exception, String> either = ...;
final String myValue = either.left().peek(LOGGER::warn)
.fold(failure -> handleFailure(failure), Function.identity());
final Logger LOGGER = ...;
final Either<Exception, String> either1 = ...;
final Either<Exception, String> either2 = ...;
final Either<Exception, String> either3 = ...;
Arrays.asList(either1, either2, either3).stream().forEach(either -> either.forEach(LOGGER::warn));
private final Either<Exception, String> getUserInput() {
private final Either<Exception, Integer> processUserInput(final String userInput) {
private final Either<Exception, Integer> saveUserInput(final Integer userInput) {
// processUserInput() only gets executed if getUserInput() succeeded, and saveUserInput() only gets executed if processUserInput() succeeded
final Either<Exception, Integer> chained = getUserInput().joinRight(this::processUserInput).joinRight(this::saveUserInput);
private final Integer processValues(final String val1, final String val2, final String val3) {
final Either<Exception, String> either1 = ...;
final Either<Exception, String> either2 = ...;
final Either<Exception, String> either3 = ...;
Either<Exception, Integer> result = either1.joinRight(val1 -> either2.joinRight(val2 -> either3.right().map(val3 -> processValues(val1, val2, val3))));
It happens (rather often) to end with a Stream
containing Optional
-s and to be willing to only retain Present
In Java 8 there are 2 options:
- the bad: filtering with
and unwrapping values withget()
- and the ugly: flat-mapping
values toStream
of one or no value:stream().flatMap(opt ->
StreamableOptional is a cleaner shorthand for the second solution above (provided that you use StreamableOptional
of Optional
): stream.flatMap(StreamableOptional::stream)
Arrays.asList(StreamableOptional.of(1), StreamableOptional.empty(), StreamableOptional.of(3))
// yields :
// 1
// 2
It might not be the ideal setup, however you still have two possibilities:
- try to replace usages of
upstream of your code if you can; - else : -> StreamableOptional.ofOptional(opt).stream())
This might indicate a code smell since:
- you probably used
to flatMap values into aStream
(and thus have no more use for aStreamableOptional
) - you can use the same operations on
as onOptional
However, this case can happen when you interact with an API that requires an Optional
. Then simply use the toOptional()
public apiMethodRequiringAnOptional(Optional<Whatever> maybe);
// call it
The Try
class provides convenient ways to handle computations which might fail.
Unlike Either
it is right-biased,
simplifying the use of familiar higher order functions such as map, flatMap and forEach.
In proper functional languages,
is a monad where as Either
is not, (but this implementation does not satisfy the monadic laws
because of how flatMap borrows inspiration from its counterpart in java.util.Optional
Warning: Do not use Try
on Autoclosable
resources and expect them to close (try-with-resources) - Try
does not close resources!
private void playWithTry() {
//a chain of Exception-prone operations
Try.of(Integer::valueOf, "3f")
.map(x -> x * 2)
byte[] mybytes = {0b101, 0b001};
String myString = Try.of(Float::valueOf, "3F")
.map(f -> f * 2)
.peek(f -> System.out.println("Float? : " + f))
.peekFailure(f -> System.out.println("Exception1? : " + f.getThrowable()))
.map(f -> f / 0)
.peek(f -> System.out.println("Float? : " + f))
.peekFailure(f -> System.out.println("Exception2? : " + f.getThrowable()))
.map(f -> mybytes)
.peek(b -> System.out.println("bytes? " + b))
.peekFailure(f -> System.out.println("Exception3? : " + f.getThrowable()))
.map(bytes -> new String(bytes, 0, 10, "UTF-128"))
.peek(s -> System.out.println("String? " + s))
.peekFailure(f -> System.out.println("Exception4? : " + f.getThrowable()))
.recover(s -> s, f -> f.getMessage());
//Try from a two argument Function
Try<Integer> myTry = Try.of((a, b) -> a / b, 3, 0);
//Try to Option
Optional<Integer> oInt = myTry.toOptional();
//Try to Either
Either<Throwable, Integer> integerEither = myTry.toEither();
//flatMap - a map without nested Try as the result
Integer divByZero = Try.of(Integer::new, 3)
.flatMap(i -> div(i, 0))
.recover(Function.identity(), a -> 0);
//orElse when Failure
Integer shouldEqZero = Try.of((a, b) -> a / b, 1, 0).orElse(0);
//orElseGet when Failure (the fallback Supplier is lazy)
Integer shouldEqZero = Try.of((a, b) -> a / b, 1, 0).orElseGet(() -> 0);
//forEach only runs when success
new Success<>(3)
.forEach(i -> System.out.println("a number : " + i));
//escape the Try structure and enter a regular try-catch flow
Try<Object> myTry = Try.of(() -> {
throw new IOException("floppy drive too busy");
try {
myTry.orElseThrow(e -> new AWTException("hah!"));
} catch (AWTException e) {
//handle and/or propagate
private Try<Integer> div(Integer a, Integer b) {
return Try.of((x,y) -> x / y, a, b);
//this function must end with a value
private String handleFailure(Exception e) {
return "I'm afraid this didnt work because of " + e.getMessage();