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Releases: firebase/FirebaseUI-Android

FirebaseUI for Android v6.2.0

16 Dec 23:18
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FirebaseUI for Android v6.2.0 is a minor release containing new features.

New features:

  • [Auth] Support for Twitter sign in using the new generic IDP method (#1626).
  • [Auth] Support for GitHub sign in using the new generic IDP method (#1719).

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
firebase-core 19.2.0
firebase-auth 17.2.1
firebase-database 19.2.0
firebase-firestore 21.3.1
firebase-storage 19.1.0
play-services-auth 17.0.0

FirebaseUI for Android v6.1.0

14 Nov 22:35
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FirebaseUI for Android v6.1.0 is a minor release containing new features and bug fixes.

New features:

  • [Auth] Support for Microsoft, Apple, and Yahoo authentication.
  • [Database / Firestore] Allow updating options of paging adapters at runtime (#1677)

Bug fixes:

  • [Firestore] Paging adapter now logs errors by default (#1652)
  • [Auth] Fixed issue with consumer proguard rules (#1686)
  • [Auth] Fixed a gap between phone number input and verify button (#1704)
  • [Auth] Fixed an issue where SMS timer didn't reset on resume from background (#1703)
  • [Auth] Fixed an issue where we were using an outdated class for URLs (#1690)

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
firebase-core 19.1.0
firebase-auth 17.2.1
firebase-database 19.2.0
firebase-firestore 21.3.0
firebase-storage 19.1.0
play-services-auth 17.0.0

Special thanks to our superstar contributors for this release:

  • @PatilShreyas who contributed updateOptions to the paging adapters.

FirebaseUI for Android v6.0.2

16 Sep 23:53
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FirebaseUI for Android 6.0.2 is a bugfix release to fix a critical issue with 6.0.1:

  • Android architecture components were pre-AndroidX versions (#1681)

ALL users of version 6.0.1 or 6.0.0 should update to version 6.0.2.

FirebaseUI for Android v6.0.1

13 Sep 22:02
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FirebaseUI for Android 6.0.1 is a bugfix release to fix a two critical issues with 6.0.0:

  • Some classes were not included in the released library (#1676)
  • Some transitive dependencies still existed (#1679)

ALL users of version 6.0.0 should update to version 6.0.1.

FirebaseUI for Android v6.0.0

12 Sep 22:46
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FirebaseUI for Android v6.0.0 is a major release containing breaking changes. The entire FirebaseUI codebase has been moved to AndroidX and the latest Firebase SDK for Android.

For full information about this version and how to upgrade, see the upgrade guide.

FirebaseUI for Android v5.1.0

30 Aug 17:38
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FirebaseUI for Android v5.1.0 is a minor release containing new features and bug fixes.

Note: this will be the last release which uses the Android Support libraries. Future releases will use AndroidX.

New features:

  • Support for changing adapter queries at runtime (#1660)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix for custom layout with Email Link (#1661)

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
firebase-core 16.0.9
firebase-auth 17.0.0
play-services-auth 16.0.1
firebase-database 17.0.0
firebase-firestore 19.0.0
firebase-storage 17.0.0
Support Library 28.0.0

Special thanks to our superstar contributors for this release:

  • @PatilShreyas who contributed the new updateQuery methods.
  • @Entreco who contributed the custom layout bugfix.

FirebaseUI for Android v5.0.0

21 May 22:36
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FirebaseUI for Android v5.0.0 is a major release containing a number of new features, bug fixes, and stability improvements:

Breaking changes:

  • Firebase dependencies have been updated to releases from May 7th or later which contained breaking changes. There are no breaking changes in the FirebaseUI API itself.

New features:

  • Support for pagination with Realtime Database (#1601)

Bug fixes:

  • Sign-in no longer fails for disabled accounts (#1611)
  • FirestorePagingAdapter retry() fix (#1608)
  • FirestorePagingAdapter now returns the actual Exception (#1592)
  • Accessibility fix for invalid passwords (#1612)

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
firebase-core 16.0.9
firebase-auth 17.0.0
play-services-auth 16.0.1
firebase-database 17.0.0
firebase-firestore 19.0.0
firebase-storage 17.0.0
Support Library 28.0.0

Special thanks to our superstar contributors for this release:

FirebaseUI for Android v4.3.2

26 Mar 16:23
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FirebaseUI for Android v4.3.2 contains bug fixes:

  • Auth flow not showing when offline (#1585)
  • Phone auth UX not optimized for simplicity (#1526)
  • Recover password screen crashes on empty email (#1582)
  • Add github button ID option to custom layout (#1583)

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
firebase-core 16.0.6
firebase-auth 16.1.0
play-services-auth 16.0.1
firebase-database 16.0.5
firebase-firestore 17.1.4
firebase-storage 16.0.5
Support Library 28.0.0

Special thanks for first-time contributor @alorma

FirebaseUI for Android v4.3.1

03 Jan 23:28
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FirebaseUI for Android v4.3.1 contains bug fixes:

  • Phone Auth area code selector shown in correct position (#1555)
  • Data rates may apply message always shown for Phone Auth (#1559)

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
firebase-core 16.0.6
firebase-auth 16.1.0
play-services-auth 16.0.1
firebase-database 16.0.5
firebase-firestore 17.1.4
firebase-storage 16.0.5
Support Library 28.0.0

FirebaseUI for Android v4.3.0

14 Dec 19:36
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FirebaseUI for Android v4.3.0 contains a number of new features and bug fixes:

  • Features
    • Support for signing in with an "email link", including cross-device email link sign in to Web and iOS
    • Allow fully customized layouts for the auth provider choice screen
  • Bug Fixes
    • FirebaseStorageKey doesn't implement hashCode and equals (#1543)
    • Double-tapping "Sign In" button causes error (#1538)
    • Inflation error in EmailBuilder (#1413)
    • Phone country dialog broken after rotation (#1518)
    • Strange layout issues in AuthMethodPickerActivity (#1483)

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
firebase-core 16.0.6
firebase-auth 16.1.0
play-services-auth 16.0.1
firebase-database 16.0.5
firebase-firestore 17.1.4
firebase-storage 16.0.5
Support Library 28.0.0