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Releases: firebase/FirebaseUI-Android

FirebaseUI for Android v0.5.3

08 Sep 22:40
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  • Fix critical Facebook crash (#290)
  • Fix crash when signing in and signing out in same activity (#287)
  • Better error handling in all cases (#257)

FirebaseUI for Android v0.5.2

06 Sep 18:04
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  • Allow customization of scopes for Google provider through string array override (#281)


  • Handle onCancelled in FirebaseArray (#71)
  • Make gradle build work with newest plugin (#272)
  • Handle ACTIVITY_RESULT_OTHER_ACCOUNT from SmartLock (#285)

FirebaseUI for Android v0.5.1

22 Aug 19:05
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Fixes critical issue #265

FirebaseUI for Android v0.5.0

22 Aug 17:20
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This release introduces some new configuration, gets tests running again, and fixes some critical bugs.

Key issues fixed:

  • #155 - Rotating device no longer crashes
  • #187 - Sign out now signs out of all providers, when applicable
  • #214 - Facebook SDK dependency updated, add ability to use chrome custom tabs
  • #234 - Handle case where SmartLock credentials don't correspond to an existing user
  • #256 - Allow override of Activity titles

In order to get Robolectric tests running again it was necessary to downgrade the library to use Android SDK 23 and the associated support libraries.

FirebaseUI for Android v0.4.4

01 Aug 19:36
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This release updates the underlying version of Google and Firebase libraries to 9.4.0, enabling users of FirebaseUI to use the latest Google and Firebase libraries in their projects.

Key issues fixed:

This release also updates some transitive dependencies, most notably changing the build tools version.

FirebaseUI for Android v0.4.3

19 Jul 17:21
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This release upgrades the underlying Firebase SDK dependency from 9.2.0 to 9.2.1. This should fix build issues for developers using the Jack compiler toolchain or the new Android resource shrinker.

FirebaseUI for Android v0.4.2

06 Jul 16:04
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This release updates the underlying version of Google and Firebase libraries to 9.2.0, enabling users of FirebaseUI to use the latest Google and Firebase libraries in their projects.

Issues fixed:

This release also updates some transitive dependencies, most notably moving to version 24.0.0 of the support libraries and targeting the Android N SDK.

FirebaseUI for Android v0.4.1

08 Jun 18:47
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This release fixes a number of authentication bugs/issues in the 0.4.0 release, including:

This release also updates the versions of FirebaseUI's transitive dependencies:

  • Depends on support library v23.4.0
  • Depends on Google Play Services / Firebase 9.0.2 (which contains critical bugfixes)

Additionally there are various stability fixes, and increased test coverage.

FirebaseUI for Android v0.4.0

07 Jun 16:36
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This release updates FirebaseUI to work with the newly released Firebase SDKs (version 9.0.+) and contains the first version of the all new FirebasUI Authentication re-written on top of the new Firebase Authentication service.

This release also creates three library targets where previously only one existed:

  • com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:0.4.0 - contains all FirebaseUI code.
  • com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:0.4.0 - contains only the FirebaseUI Database code.
  • com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-auth:0.4.0 - contains only the FirebaseUI Authentication code.

FirebaseUI for Android v0.3.1

19 Jan 05:11
@puf puf
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This release addresses issues in 0.3.0 and earlier. It contains the following breaking changes:

  • The int position parameter for FirebaseListAdapter.populateView() and FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.populateViewHolder() (that was introduced in release 0.2.2) is now required. The overload of the methods without a position has been removed.
  • There is now a FirebaseLoginBaseActivity.getAiuth() method that returns the currently authenticated user. Because of this onFirebaseLoggedIn() and onFirebaseLoggedOut() are no longer abstract.
  • The names of the AuthProviderType enum values are now all uppercase, e.g. FACEBOOK