- Pull down the repository (
git clone [email protected]:sig-gis/behave-polylith
) - Pull down the submodules (
git submodule update --init --remote
) - Follow the Datomic Setup (see below)
- Start the Datomic Transactor (see below)
- Open
in Emacs - Start the CIDER nREPL
- Choose
for the front-end build. - Open
in your browser.
This project adopts a Polylith design, which allows both a mono-repo experience across mulitple projects.
The Polylith project organization method attempts to marry the best parts of operating within a single Monorepo (single source of truth, DRY code, less repos to manage), with the benefits of having single repos for each project (customization).
The Polylith design is made up of three parts: Components, Bases, and Projects.
This is the most basic unit for Polylith. Ideally, Components require few, if
any, dependencies. Each component always has an <component>.interface
namespace, which includes the public functions that are meant to be exported
from the component. Components (ideally) are written in the Clojure Common (*.cljc
format so as to be used in both CLJ and CLJS environments.
Bases are groups of components and other dependencies that constitute a
middle-tier of the Polylith. Bases can be project-specific, but ideally are
general enough to be used across multiple projects. Bases typically
only have a main.clj[sc]
Projects are made up of multiple bases and components. Many projects can exist within a Polylith, which enables a great deal of customization while also sharing components and bases across projects.
The projects take advantage of the Behave Components shared UI components library. Check out the docs on the Behave Components page to learn more.
The projects use both Reagent and Re-Frame to manage application state and application logic. Re-Frame was adopted to reduce tight coupling between views/components and the data/actions that are used within them.
The projects store data in Datoms and performs queries using the Datalog syntax. The back-end access Datoms using DataHike, and the front-end accesses Datoms through DataScript. Re-Posh is also used to enable subscriptions on DataScript entities, reducing view logic.
digraph GitHub {
graph [rankdir = "LR"]
node [shape = record]
Tool [label="Tools
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :tool/name | string }
|{ :tool/order | number }
|{ :tool/translation-key | string }
|{ :tool/help-key | string }"]
SubTool [label="Subtool
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :subtool/name | string }
|{ :subtool/order | number }
|{ :subtool/autocompute? | boolean }
|{ :subtool/translation-key | string }
|{ :subtool/help-key | string }"]
SubToolVariable [label="Subtool-Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/io | keyword }
|{ :subtool-variable/order | number }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-namespace-uuid | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-mclass | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-function-uuid | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/translation-key | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/help-key | string }"]
Variable [label="Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :variable/name | string }
|{ :variable/bp6-label | string }
|{ :variable/bp6-code | string }
|{ :variable/kind | keyword}
|{ :variable/translation-key | string }
|{ :variable/native-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/english-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/metric-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/maximum | double }
|{ :variable/minimum | double }
|{ :variable/default-value | double }
|{ :variable/map-units-convertible? | double }
List [label="List
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :list/name | string }
|{ :list/translation-key | string }
ListOptions [label="List-Options
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :list-option/name | string }
|{ :list-option/default | string }
|{ :list-option/value | string }
|{ :list-option/order | string }
|{ :list-option/translation-key | string }
Dimension [label="Dimension
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :dimension/name | string }
|{ :dimension/cpp-enum-uuid | string }
Unit [label="Unit
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :unit/name | string }
|{ :unit/short-code | string }
|{ :unit/system | string }
|{ :unit/cpp-enum-member-uuid | string }
DomainSet [label="Domain-Set
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :domain-set/name | string }
Domain [label="Domain
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :domain/name | string }
|{ :domain/decimals | string }
Tool -> SubTool [label=":tool/subtools" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
SubTool -> SubToolVariable [label=":subtool/variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Variable -> SubToolVariable [label=":variable/subtool-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Variable -> List [label=":variable/list" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Domain [label=":variable/domain-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/native-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/english-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/metric-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
List -> ListOptions [label=":list/options" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Dimension -> Unit [label=":dimension/units" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
DomainSet -> Domain [label=":domain-set/domains" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Domain -> Dimension [label=":domain/dimension-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/native-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/english-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/metric-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
- Navigate to
. All paths described here will use this directory as root. - Add/edit the
for your deployment. Below is an example file:
;; resources/config.edn
{:database {:config {:store {:backend :file
:path "~/.behave/db"}}}
:site {:title "BehavePlus 7"
:description "Wildfire Analysis toolkit."}
:server {:http-port 8007
:mode "prod"}
:vms {:secret-token "<vms-secret-token>"}}
- Compile ClojureScript
bb build-js
- Build the UberJAR
NOTE: The uberjar build process requires triangulum to be available in the deps.edn located at the user level (i.e. home/<user>/.clojure/deps.edn).
{sig-gis/triangulum {:git/url "https://github.com/sig-gis/triangulum"
:sha "<latest-sha>"}}
bb uber
- Congratulations! You’re now the owner of an UberJAR.
mkdir -p ~/.datomic
cd ~/.datomic
curl -O https://datomic-pro-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/1.0.7075/datomic-pro-1.0.7075.zip
unzip *.zip
ln -s $PWD/datomic-pro-1.0.7075 $PWD/current
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.datomic/current/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc # Or ~/.zshrc
Be sure that PostgreSQL is running on port 5432.
cd /bases/datomic_store/sql/
psql -U postgres -f 01_setup.sql # Creates the Datomic DB, User
psql -U datomic datomic -f 02_tables.sql # Sets up the KV table
bb transactor
bb console --port <port>
Then visit localhost:8000/browse
bb restore --file <datomic-2024-##-##.dump>
The “behave-lib” directory includes the build process for generating a WASM file using c++ code from “behave-mirror” and “include” directories. Here’s Checklist for when new c++ code needs to be transcribed into wasm and be available via the Behave CMS.
- [ ] Run the pair of header files (i.e. surface.h and SIGSurface.h) through Hatchet (see Hatchet README).
- [ ] Replace/Edit text
- [ ] “std_string” with “[Const] DOMString”
- [ ] “string” with [Const] DOMString
- [ ] Any type ref to other classes with “[Ref] SIG<module>”
- [ ] Add [Const] to beginning of function in behave.idl for any functions in header file ending in const.
- [ ] Copy missing functions to the SIG<module> interface in “behave-lib/include/idl/behave.idl”
- [ ] Add new enums in “behave-lib/include/idl/behave.idl”
- [ ] For each enum in behave.idl there should be an enum entry in “src/cljs/behave/lib/enums.cljs”
- [ ] Add missing functions from hatchet’s output cljs file to “behave/src/cljs/behave/lib/<model>.cljs”
- [ ] Add this to the end of the file
(def ^:export ns-public-fns (update-keys (ns-publics 'behave.lib.ignite) name))
- [ ] Add mapping for new enums in “behave-lib/include/cpp/emscripten/enums.cpp”
- [ ] Update behave_extern.js with functions from cljs file
- [ ] In “behave-lib” run
make install
- [ ] Both edn files have been created through hatchet (i.e. surface.edn and SIGSurface.edn)
- [ ] Run a modified version of the code block below for the module that needs updating
(ns cms-import)
;; Combine edn files from hatchet
(cms-import {:behave-file "path/to/hatchet/output/surface.edn"
:sig-adapter-file "path/to/hatchet/output/SIGSurface.edn"
:out-file-name "SIGSurface.edn"
:from-key :Surface
:to-key :SIGSurface})
(add-export-file-to-conn "./cms-exports/SIGSurface.edn" conn)
This schema is used for the Behave VMS. It largely impacts the rendering UI of the Behave VMS and the Application.
// Relations (NOTE when a relation attribute of type :db/type/string instead of type :db.type/ref, this means the value is a UUID that matches the :bp/uuid of the related entity.)
digraph GitHub {
graph [rankdir = "LR"]
node [shape = record]
// VMS Schema Starts Here
User [label="User
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :user/name | string }
|{ :user/email | string }
|{ :user/password | string }
|{ :user/reset-key | string }
|{ :user/verified? | boolean }
|{ :user/super-admin? | boolean }
|{ :user/help-key | string }
Application [label="Application
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :application/name | string }
|{ :application/version-major | number }
|{ :application/version-minor | number }
|{ :application/version-patch | number }
|{ :application/version | tuple }
|{ :application/help-key | string }
Application -> Module [label=":application/modules" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Application -> Tool [label=":application/tools" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Application -> HelpPage [label=":application/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Application -> Translation [label=":application/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Module [label="Module
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :module/name | string }
|{ :module/order | number }
Module -> Submodule [label=":module/submodules" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Module -> Diagram [label=":module/diagram" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Module -> HelpPage [label=":module/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Module -> Translation [label=":module/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Submodule [label="Submodule
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :submodule/name | string }
|{ :submodule/order | number }
|{ :submodule/io | keyword }
|{ :submodule/research? | boolean }
|{ :submodule/conditionals-operator | keyword }
Submodule -> Group [label=":submodule/groups" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Submodule -> Conditional [label=":submodule/conditionals" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Submodule -> HelpPage [label=":submodule/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Submodule -> Translation [label=":submodule/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Group [label="Group
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :group/name | string }
|{ :group/order | long }
|{ :group/io | keyword }
|{ :group/research? | boolean }
|{ :group/repeat? | boolean }
|{ :group/max-repeat | long }
|{ :group/conditionals-operator | keyword }
Group -> Group [label=":group/children" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Group -> Conditional [label=":group/conditionals" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Group -> GroupVariable [label=":group/group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Group -> HelpPage [label=":group/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Group -> Translation [label=":group/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable [label="Group-Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-class | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-function | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-namespace | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-parameter | string }
|{ :group-variable/order | long}
|{ :group-variable/research? | boolean }
GroupVariable -> CppClass [label=":group-variable/cpp-class (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> CppFunction [label=":group-variable/cpp-function (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> CppNamespace [label=":group-variable/cpp-namespace (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> CppParameter [label=":group-variable/cpp-parameter (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> HelpPage [label=":group-variable/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> Translation [label=":group-variable/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
CppClass [label="Cpp.Class
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.class/name | string }
CppClass -> CppFunction [label=":cpp.class/function" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppFunction [label="Cpp.Function
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.function/name | string }
|{ :cpp.function/return-type | stringema}
CppFunction -> CppParameter [label=":cpp.function/parameter" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppParameter [label="Cpp.Parameter
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.parameter/name | string }
|{ :cpp.parameter/order | number }
|{ :cpp.parameter/type | string }
CppNamespace [label="Cpp.Namespace
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.namespace/name | string }
CppNamespace -> CppClass [label=":cpp.namespace/class" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppNamespace -> CppEnum [label=":cpp.namespace/enum" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppEnum [label="Cpp.Enum
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.enum/name | string }
CppEnum -> CppEnumMember [label=":cpp.enum/enum-member" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppEnumMember [label="Cpp.Enum-member
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.enum-member/name | string }
|{ :cpp.enum-member/value | number }
Tool [label="Tools
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :tool/name | string }
|{ :tool/order | number }
Tool -> SubTool [label=":tool/subtools" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Tool -> HelpPage [label=":tool/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Tool -> Translation [label=":tool/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubTool [label="Subtool
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :subtool/name | string }
|{ :subtool/order | number }
|{ :subtool/autocompute? | boolean }
SubTool -> SubToolVariable [label=":subtool/variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
SubTool -> HelpPage [label=":subtool/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubTool -> Translation [label=":subtool/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubToolVariable [label="Subtool-Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/io | keyword }
|{ :subtool-variable/order | long }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-namespace-uuid | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-mclass | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-function-uuid | string }
SubToolVariable -> HelpPage [label=":subtool-variable/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubToolVariable -> Translation [label=":subtool-variable/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable [label="Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :variable/name | string }
|{ :variable/bp6-label | string }
|{ :variable/bp6-code | string }
|{ :variable/kind | keyword}
|{ :variable/native-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/english-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/metric-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/maximum | double }
|{ :variable/minimum | double }
|{ :variable/default-value | double }
|{ :variable/map-units-convertible? | boolean }
Variable -> GroupVariable [label=":variable/group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Variable -> SubToolVariable [label=":variable/subtool-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Variable -> List [label=":variable/list" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Domain [label=":variable/domain-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/native-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/english-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/metric-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Translation [label=":variable/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
List [label="List
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :list/name | string }
List -> ListOption [label=":list/options" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
List -> Translation [label=":list/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
ListOption [label="List-Option
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :list-option/name | string }
|{ :list-option/default | string }
|{ :list-option/value | string }
|{ :list-option/order | long }
|{ :list-option/hide? | boolean }
ListOption -> Translation [label=":list-option/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Dimension [label="Dimension
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :dimension/name | string }
|{ :dimension/cpp-enum-uuid | string }
Dimension -> Unit [label=":dimension/units" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Unit [label="Unit
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :unit/name | string }
|{ :unit/short-code | string }
|{ :unit/system | string }
|{ :unit/cpp-enum-member-uuid | string }
DomainSet [label="Domain-Set
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :domain-set/name | string }
DomainSet -> Domain [label=":domain-set/domains" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Domain [label="Domain
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :domain/name | string }
|{ :domain/decimals | string }
Domain -> Dimension [label=":domain/dimension-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/native-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/english-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/metric-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Conditional [label="Conditional
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :conditional/type | keyword }
|{ :conditional/operator | keyword }
|{ :conditional/values | string }
Conditional -> GroupVariable [label=":conditional/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Diagram [label="Diagram
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :diagram/type | string }
Diagram -> GroupVariable [label=":diagram/group-variable" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Diagram -> GroupVariable [label=":diagram/input-group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Diagram -> GroupVariable [label=":diagram/output-group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Language [label="Language
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :language/name | string }
|{ :language/short-code | string }
Language -> Translation [label=":language/translation" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Language -> HelpPage [label=":language/help-page" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Translation [label="Translation
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :translation/name | string }
|{ :translation/key | string }
|{ :translation/translation | string }
HelpPage [label="Help-page
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :help-page/key | string }
|{ :help-page/content | string }
Link [label="Link
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
Link -> GroupVariable [label="link/source" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Link -> GroupVariable [label="link/destination" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
This schema is used to store instances of worksheet information in the Behave application.
// Relations (NOTE when a relation attribute of type :db/type/string instead of type :db.type/ref, this means the value is a UUID that matches the :bp/uuid of the related entity.)
digraph GitHub {
graph [rankdir = "LR"]
node [shape = record]
// Worksheet Schema Starts Here
Worksheet [label="Worksheet
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :worksheet/run-description | string }
|{ :worksheet/name | string }
|{ :worksheet/created | long }
|{ :worksheet/furthest-visited-step | keyword }
|{ :worksheet/modules | keywords }
Worksheet -> Note [label=":worksheet/notes" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> InputGroup [label=":worksheet/input-groups" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> RepeatGroup [label=":worksheet/repeat-groups" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> Output [label=":worksheet/outputs" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> ResultTable [label=":worksheet/result-table" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Worksheet -> GraphSettings [label=":worksheet/graph-settings" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Worksheet -> TableSettings [label=":worksheet/table-settings" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Worksheet -> WorksheetDiagram [label=":worksheet/diagrams" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Note [label="Note
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :note/name | string }
|{ :note/content | string }
|{ :note/submodule | string }
InputGroup [label="Input-Group
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :input-group/repeat-id | long }
|{ :input-group/inputs | long }
InputGroup -> Group [label=":input-group/group-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
RepeatGroup [label="Repeat-Group
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :repeat-group/group-uuid | string }
|{ :repeat-group/repeats | long }
|{ :repeat-group/inputs | long }
RepeatGroup -> Group [label=":repeat-group/group-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Output [label="Output
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :output/enabled? | boolean }
Output -> GroupVariable [label=":output/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
ResultTable [label="Result-Table
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
ResultTable -> ResultHeader [label=":result-table/headers" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
ResultTable -> ResultRow [label=":result-table/rows" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
ResultHeader [label="Result-Header
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :result-header/repeat-id | long }
|{ :result-header/order | long }
|{ :result-header/units | string }
ResultHeader -> GroupVariable [label=":result-header/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
ResultRow [label="Result-Row
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :result-row/id | long }
ResultRow -> ResultCell [label=":result-row/cells" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
ResultCell [label="Result-Cell
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :result-cell/value | string }
ResultCell -> ResultHeader [label=":result-cell/header" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
TableSettings [label="Table-Settings
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :table-settings/enabled? | boolean }
TableSettings -> TableFilter [label=":table-settings/filters" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
TableSettings -> MapUnitsSettings [label=":table-settings/map-units-settings" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
TableFilter [label="Table-Filter
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :table-filter/min | long }
|{ :table-filter/max | long }
|{ :table-filter/enabled? | boolean }
TableFilter -> GroupVariable [label=":table-filter/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
MapUnitsSettings [label="Map-Units-settings
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :map-units-settings/enabled? | boolean }
|{ :map-units-settings/units | string }
|{ :map-units-settings/map-rep-fraction | long }
GraphSettings [label="Graph-Settings
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :graph-settings/enabled? | boolean }
GraphSettings -> YAxisLimit [label=":graph-settings/y-axis-limits" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
GraphSettings -> GroupVariable [label=":graph-settings/x-axis-group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GraphSettings -> GroupVariable [label=":graph-settings/z-axis-group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GraphSettings -> GroupVariable [label=":graph-settings/z2-axis-group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
YAxisLimit [label="Y-Axis-Limit
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :y-axis-limit/min | long }
|{ :y-axis-limit/max | long }
YAxisLimit -> GroupVariable [label=":y-axis-limit/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
WorksheetDiagram [label="Worksheet-diagram
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :worksheet.diagram/title | string }
|{ :worksheet.diagram/row-id | long }
WorksheetDiagram -> GroupVariable [label=":worksheet.diagram/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
WorksheetDiagram -> Ellipse [label=":worksheet.diagram/ellises" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
WorksheetDiagram -> Arrow [label=":worksheet.diagram/arrows" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
WorksheetDiagram -> ScatterPlot [label=":worksheet.diagram/scatter-plots" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Ellipse [label="Ellipse
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :ellipse/legend-id | string }
|{ :ellipse/semi-major-axis | double }
|{ :ellipse/semi-minor-axis | double }
|{ :ellipse/rotation | long }
|{ :ellipse/color | string }
Arrow [label="Arrow
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :arrow/legend-id | string }
|{ :arrow/length | double }
|{ :arrow/rotation | double }
|{ :arrow/color | string }
|{ :arrow/dashed? | string }
ScatterPlot [label="Scatter-Plot
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/legend-id | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/color | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/x-coordinates | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/y-coordinates | string }
This Documents the schema for both the behave and behave_cms project.
// Relations (NOTE when a relation attribute of type :db/type/string instead of type :db.type/ref, this means the value is a UUID that matches the :bp/uuid of the related entity.)
digraph GitHub {
graph [rankdir = "LR"]
node [shape = record]
// VMS Schema Starts Here
User [label="User
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :user/name | string }
|{ :user/email | string }
|{ :user/password | string }
|{ :user/reset-key | string }
|{ :user/verified? | boolean }
|{ :user/super-admin? | boolean }
|{ :user/help-key | string }
Application [label="Application
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :application/name | string }
|{ :application/version-major | number }
|{ :application/version-minor | number }
|{ :application/version-patch | number }
|{ :application/version | tuple }
|{ :application/help-key | string }
Application -> Module [label=":application/modules" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Application -> Tool [label=":application/tools" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Application -> HelpPage [label=":application/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Application -> Translation [label=":application/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Module [label="Module
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :module/name | string }
|{ :module/order | number }
Module -> Submodule [label=":module/submodules" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Module -> Diagram [label=":module/diagram" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Module -> HelpPage [label=":module/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Module -> Translation [label=":module/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Submodule [label="Submodule
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :submodule/name | string }
|{ :submodule/order | number }
|{ :submodule/io | keyword }
|{ :submodule/research? | boolean }
|{ :submodule/conditionals-operator | keyword }
Submodule -> Group [label=":submodule/groups" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Submodule -> Conditional [label=":submodule/conditionals" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Submodule -> HelpPage [label=":submodule/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Submodule -> Translation [label=":submodule/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Group [label="Group
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :group/name | string }
|{ :group/order | long }
|{ :group/io | keyword }
|{ :group/research? | boolean }
|{ :group/repeat? | boolean }
|{ :group/max-repeat | long }
|{ :group/conditionals-operator | keyword }
Group -> Group [label=":group/children" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Group -> Conditional [label=":group/conditionals" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Group -> GroupVariable [label=":group/group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Group -> HelpPage [label=":group/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Group -> Translation [label=":group/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable [label="Group-Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-class | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-function | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-namespace | string }
|{ :group-variable/cpp-parameter | string }
|{ :group-variable/order | long}
|{ :group-variable/research? | boolean }
GroupVariable -> CppClass [label=":group-variable/cpp-class (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> CppFunction [label=":group-variable/cpp-function (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> CppNamespace [label=":group-variable/cpp-namespace (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> CppParameter [label=":group-variable/cpp-parameter (uuid)" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> HelpPage [label=":group-variable/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GroupVariable -> Translation [label=":group-variable/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
CppClass [label="Cpp.Class
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.class/name | string }
CppClass -> CppFunction [label=":cpp.class/function" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppFunction [label="Cpp.Function
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.function/name | string }
|{ :cpp.function/return-type | stringema}
CppFunction -> CppParameter [label=":cpp.function/parameter" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppParameter [label="Cpp.Parameter
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.parameter/name | string }
|{ :cpp.parameter/order | number }
|{ :cpp.parameter/type | string }
CppNamespace [label="Cpp.Namespace
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.namespace/name | string }
CppNamespace -> CppClass [label=":cpp.namespace/class" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppNamespace -> CppEnum [label=":cpp.namespace/enum" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppEnum [label="Cpp.Enum
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.enum/name | string }
CppEnum -> CppEnumMember [label=":cpp.enum/enum-member" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
CppEnumMember [label="Cpp.Enum-member
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :cpp.enum-member/name | string }
|{ :cpp.enum-member/value | number }
Tool [label="Tools
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :tool/name | string }
|{ :tool/order | number }
Tool -> SubTool [label=":tool/subtools" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Tool -> HelpPage [label=":tool/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Tool -> Translation [label=":tool/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubTool [label="Subtool
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :subtool/name | string }
|{ :subtool/order | number }
|{ :subtool/autocompute? | boolean }
SubTool -> SubToolVariable [label=":subtool/variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
SubTool -> HelpPage [label=":subtool/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubTool -> Translation [label=":subtool/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubToolVariable [label="Subtool-Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/io | keyword }
|{ :subtool-variable/order | long }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-namespace-uuid | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-mclass | string }
|{ :subtool-variable/cpp-function-uuid | string }
SubToolVariable -> HelpPage [label=":subtool-variable/help-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
SubToolVariable -> Translation [label=":subtool-variable/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable [label="Variable
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :variable/name | string }
|{ :variable/bp6-label | string }
|{ :variable/bp6-code | string }
|{ :variable/kind | keyword}
|{ :variable/native-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/english-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/metric-decimals | double }
|{ :variable/maximum | double }
|{ :variable/minimum | double }
|{ :variable/default-value | double }
|{ :variable/map-units-convertible? | boolean }
Variable -> GroupVariable [label=":variable/group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Variable -> SubToolVariable [label=":variable/subtool-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Variable -> List [label=":variable/list" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Domain [label=":variable/domain-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/native-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/english-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Unit [label=":variable/metric-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Variable -> Translation [label=":variable/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
List [label="List
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :list/name | string }
List -> ListOption [label=":list/options" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
List -> Translation [label=":list/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
ListOption [label="List-Option
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :list-option/name | string }
|{ :list-option/default | string }
|{ :list-option/value | string }
|{ :list-option/order | long }
|{ :list-option/hide? | boolean }
ListOption -> Translation [label=":list-option/translation-key" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Dimension [label="Dimension
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :dimension/name | string }
|{ :dimension/cpp-enum-uuid | string }
Dimension -> Unit [label=":dimension/units" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Unit [label="Unit
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :unit/name | string }
|{ :unit/short-code | string }
|{ :unit/system | string }
|{ :unit/cpp-enum-member-uuid | string }
DomainSet [label="Domain-Set
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :domain-set/name | string }
DomainSet -> Domain [label=":domain-set/domains" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Domain [label="Domain
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :domain/name | string }
|{ :domain/decimals | string }
Domain -> Dimension [label=":domain/dimension-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/native-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/english-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Domain -> Unit [label=":domain/metric-unit-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Conditional [label="Conditional
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :conditional/type | keyword }
|{ :conditional/operator | keyword }
|{ :conditional/values | string }
Conditional -> GroupVariable [label=":conditional/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Diagram [label="Diagram
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :diagram/type | string }
Diagram -> GroupVariable [label=":diagram/group-variable" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Diagram -> GroupVariable [label=":diagram/input-group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Diagram -> GroupVariable [label=":diagram/output-group-variables" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Language [label="Language
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :language/name | string }
|{ :language/short-code | string }
Language -> Translation [label=":language/translation" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Language -> HelpPage [label=":language/help-page" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Translation [label="Translation
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :translation/name | string }
|{ :translation/key | string }
|{ :translation/translation | string }
HelpPage [label="Help-page
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
|{ :help-page/key | string }
|{ :help-page/content | string }
Link [label="Link
|{ :bp/uuid | keyword }
Link -> GroupVariable [label="link/source" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Link -> GroupVariable [label="link/destination" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
// Worksheet Schema Starts Here
Worksheet [label="Worksheet
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :worksheet/run-description | string }
|{ :worksheet/name | string }
|{ :worksheet/created | long }
|{ :worksheet/furthest-visited-step | keyword }
|{ :worksheet/modules | keywords }
Worksheet -> Note [label=":worksheet/notes" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> InputGroup [label=":worksheet/input-groups" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> RepeatGroup [label=":worksheet/repeat-groups" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> Output [label=":worksheet/outputs" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Worksheet -> ResultTable [label=":worksheet/result-table" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Worksheet -> GraphSettings [label=":worksheet/graph-settings" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Worksheet -> TableSettings [label=":worksheet/table-settings" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Worksheet -> WorksheetDiagram [label=":worksheet/diagrams" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Note [label="Note
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :note/name | string }
|{ :note/content | string }
|{ :note/submodule | string }
InputGroup [label="Input-Group
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :input-group/repeat-id | long }
|{ :input-group/inputs | long }
InputGroup -> Group [label=":input-group/group-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
RepeatGroup [label="Repeat-Group
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :repeat-group/group-uuid | string }
|{ :repeat-group/repeats | long }
|{ :repeat-group/inputs | long }
RepeatGroup -> Group [label=":repeat-group/group-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
Output [label="Output
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :output/enabled? | boolean }
Output -> GroupVariable [label=":output/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
ResultTable [label="Result-Table
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
ResultTable -> ResultHeader [label=":result-table/headers" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
ResultTable -> ResultRow [label=":result-table/rows" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
ResultHeader [label="Result-Header
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :result-header/repeat-id | long }
|{ :result-header/order | long }
|{ :result-header/units | string }
ResultHeader -> GroupVariable [label=":result-header/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
ResultRow [label="Result-Row
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :result-row/id | long }
ResultRow -> ResultCell [label=":result-row/cells" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
ResultCell [label="Result-Cell
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :result-cell/value | string }
ResultCell -> ResultHeader [label=":result-cell/header" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
TableSettings [label="Table-Settings
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :table-settings/enabled? | boolean }
TableSettings -> TableFilter [label=":table-settings/filters" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
TableSettings -> MapUnitsSettings [label=":table-settings/map-units-settings" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
TableFilter [label="Table-Filter
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :table-filter/min | long }
|{ :table-filter/max | long }
|{ :table-filter/enabled? | boolean }
TableFilter -> GroupVariable [label=":table-filter/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
MapUnitsSettings [label="Map-Units-settings
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :map-units-settings/enabled? | boolean }
|{ :map-units-settings/units | string }
|{ :map-units-settings/map-rep-fraction | long }
GraphSettings [label="Graph-Settings
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :graph-settings/enabled? | boolean }
GraphSettings -> YAxisLimit [label=":graph-settings/y-axis-limits" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
GraphSettings -> GroupVariable [label=":graph-settings/x-axis-group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GraphSettings -> GroupVariable [label=":graph-settings/z-axis-group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
GraphSettings -> GroupVariable [label=":graph-settings/z2-axis-group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
YAxisLimit [label="Y-Axis-Limit
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :y-axis-limit/min | long }
|{ :y-axis-limit/max | long }
YAxisLimit -> GroupVariable [label=":y-axis-limit/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
WorksheetDiagram [label="Worksheet-diagram
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :worksheet.diagram/title | string }
|{ :worksheet.diagram/row-id | long }
WorksheetDiagram -> GroupVariable [label=":worksheet.diagram/group-variable-uuid" taillabel=1 headlabel=1]
WorksheetDiagram -> Ellipse [label=":worksheet.diagram/ellises" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
WorksheetDiagram -> Arrow [label=":worksheet.diagram/arrows" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
WorksheetDiagram -> ScatterPlot [label=":worksheet.diagram/scatter-plots" taillabel=1 headlabel=N]
Ellipse [label="Ellipse
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :ellipse/legend-id | string }
|{ :ellipse/semi-major-axis | double }
|{ :ellipse/semi-minor-axis | double }
|{ :ellipse/rotation | long }
|{ :ellipse/color | string }
Arrow [label="Arrow
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :arrow/legend-id | string }
|{ :arrow/length | double }
|{ :arrow/rotation | double }
|{ :arrow/color | string }
|{ :arrow/dashed? | string }
ScatterPlot [label="Scatter-Plot
|{ :bp/uuid | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/legend-id | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/color | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/x-coordinates | string }
|{ :scatter-plot/y-coordinates | string }