A Kick start project, focused on a Monorepo containing the FrontEnd (Angular + Tailwind CSS) Panel and a BFF in NodeJS, with the objective of collecting the following information from the public Cat API.
- Collect and view API endpoints
- A home where it shows a presentation and summary of breeds
- Display a list of all cat breeds
- Display breed information by choosing one from the list
- A list of the 10 most searched breeds in the Cats API
Follow below, the specifications of the FrontEnd:
- Angular 15 (JS framework)
- Tailwind 3 (CSS Lib)
- Karma + Jasmine (Test)
- Swiper (Photo Carousel)
Follow below, the specifications of the BackEnd:
- Node.js 18 (JS framework)
- Express.js 4 (Web Application)
- Axios (Http Request)
- Nodemon (Monitor and Restarter Server)