Interface to check a stock portfolio against stock data to check for profit/losses.
Currently in development along Flask tutorial from
- app
- templates (HTML templates)
- base.html (basis for default templates with header, flash messages etc. to inherit)
- index.html (landing page)
- login.html (login form)
- templates (HTML templates)
- (helps setting up the appliation)
- (used to start appliation)
- (place to put forms such as login)
- (place to define DB models)
- venv
- flask
- flask-wtf (for forms)
- flask-sqlalchemy (for DB; supports SQLite, MySQL, and PostreSQL)
- flask-migrate (to migrate DB)
- flask-login (login management)
- flask-moment (timezone management)
Run Anacoda console
Create env (only first time)
python -m venv venv
- Activate env
cd venv
cd Scripts
- Set ENV variable
set (export in Linux)
- Run app
flask run --reload
- To allow database migrations, flask-migrate was installed. Initially, "flask db init" is used as initialization of the migration directory". If changes to the DB model have been done, they can be commited similar to "git" like:
flask db migrate -m "your comment"
And then to make the database upgrade:
flask db upgrade
- Use flask shell to avoid importing your app and DB models
flask shell
- During development, debugging mode can be activated by:
set FLASK_DEBUG=1 (export in Linux)