Dircloud is yet another program to show and navigate through the contents of a disc. The key issue in this one is that it works easily via web using a wordcloud interface with minimal dependencies.
I was looking for something like xdu (or xdiskusage) to display the contents of a server via web in a graphical way, showing the big directories bigger so it could be easier to see how is it used, but I didn't find anything. There are plenty for a desktop box, but nothing that I like for a server to show via web. The home page of http://repo.or.cz/ gave me the inspiration and CSS magic.
Like the original xdu (still my favourite for desktop use), you have to run du yourself, keeping the output in a file.
As Phil Dykstra, author of xdu, rightly observed (http://sd.wareonearth.com/~phil/xdu/), his tool is also useful as a general purpose tree data display program for any input data formatted like the output of du. Dircloud, having a more textual interface, is more appropiated for text data, such as directories or library catalogs.
Dircloud follows bottle.py approach and it is distributed as a single self-contained file. No installatacion is necessary.
Dependecies are minimal and easily found in any Linux box.
- python
- for python <= 2.6, argparse; it is included in newer versions
- bottle.py, the wonderful yet minimal web building framework
- du, from GNU coreutils
- locate, mlocate or sclocate, with a provision of using something else (here using dict as an example: http://dict.org)
On a Debian based system, bottle is found in the pacakge python-bottle. But as bottle it just a single file, copying both in the same directory should be enough.
$ du / >/tmp/du.out $ python dircloud.py /tmp/du.out Bottle server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())... Listening on http://localhost:2010/ Use Ctrl-C to quit.
Point your browser to http://localhost:2010/
Forks, paches or comments welcome.
Ferran Jorba [email protected]