Copyright (c) 2015-2018 FJTC. All rights reserved.
gtest-tools is a set of portable Python scripts that can help the creation of unit-tests for C/C++ using Google's googletest framework (
- 2018.02.02: New scripts to launch gtestgengui for Windows and Linux;
This is a small GUI tool that can be used to generate source code (header/source) for Google Test unit tests. Those source codes are generated based on template files.
To run it, execute /path/to/gtestgen/ or c:\path\to\gtestgen\gtestgengui.bat inside the directory that will hold the unit test files.
Command line tools that can convert binary/hex strings into C/C++ constants.
Download the repository from and copy its the files inside your project. Do not forget to edit the templates inside gtestgen/src (*.tpl) in order to ajust them to your needs.
This software is released under the terms of "Modified BSD License". See LICENSE for the complete license.