Raw Dumper v2.3.0
Raw Dumper 2.3.0
Now is time for another release! The main improvement here is the new auto white balance algorithm that uses the low-level AWB sensor gains! The white balance results are better than never! Other new features: the pictures are now properly rotated and the pictures taken with the front camera are also mirrored.
Note 0: The app still requires ROOT
Note 1: The white balance button is greyed out because it isn't ready yet!
Note 2: Zenfone 2 users using custom roms need a patched camera lib
Note 3: Zenfone 5 and Razr I compatibility is still experimental
Note 4: I'm not responsible for bricked phones, broken phones/cameras/images or thermonuclear war
Original XDA Thread: here
- Raw shooting on the Zenfone 2 (Zenfone Zoom, Zenfone 5 and Razr I needs more testing, but they should work)
- Manual ISO, shutter speed and EV on some devices
- Setting an invalid ISO/Shutter speed/EV combination is not possible (try setting ISO 50, 1/60s and -1 EV and see what happens)
- Auto, continuous, macro, infinity, fixed and manual focus modes (on some devices)
- ISO and shutter speed metering
- Touch to focus
- Basic lens shading correction
- Gain-based white balance algorithm
- Pictures auto rotation
- Mirroring of pictures taken with selfie cam
Feature table:
Device | EV | Manual ISO | ISO metering | Manual shutter speed | Shutter speed metering | AWB | Raw capture |
Zenfone 2 (ZE55*ML) Lollipop Stock | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes[2] | Yes | Yes | Yes, both cameras[3] |
Zenfone 2 (ZE55*ML) Lineage OS | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes[2] | Yes | Yes | Yes, both cameras[3] |
Zenfone 2 (ZE55*ML) Marshmallow Stock | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes, both cameras[4] |
Zenfone Zoom (ZX55*ML) Marshmallow Stock | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes[1] | Yes | Yes[5] | Yes, front camera only[4] |
Zenfone 5 (T00F) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes, both cameras |
Razr I (XT890) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes, rear camera only |
[1] Rear camera only
[2] No long exposure available
[3] Requires a patch to enable raw capture using the rear camera
[4] The front camera uses a trick in order to work
[5] Front camera only
Known bugs:
- (Minor) The space between the buttons is too small when the shutter is set to 1/10000
- (Minor) When displaying dialog alerts, the app can get out from the fullscreen state if the user switches to another app and then comes back
- (Minor) The touch focus feedback sometimes appears in the wrong position
- (Not so minor) The selector interface for ISO/shutter speed/EV is quite buggy sometimes
- Sometimes the app crashes when starting due to a not-so-rare race condition