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flack edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 1 revision

The navigation service, sometimes called MidCOM NAP (Navigation Access Point), is used to build the navigational tree for a web site. It can retrieve individual Nodes and Leaves (or the current one) and generate the breadcrumb line for the current position, among other things.

In the NAP tree, information about a component's available request URLs is present, which means that navigational trees for menus can be generated dynamically. See MidCOM NAP Constants for a list of available information. The breadcrumb line is usually created with info retrieved from midcom_helper_nav methods as well:

$nap = new midcom_helper_nav();

//This outputs a breadcrumb line
echo $nap->get_breadcrumb_line();

To create NAP Leaves for Components, on has to overwrite the get_leaves method in the Component's navigation.php file.


In Topics with many Articles, like a with hundreds of entries can make the NAP tree very large and thus causes long loading times.


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