This extension lets you use other mail drivers already included with the library Flarum uses for mail but which had no way to be configured by the forum owner.
The drivers are Mailgun, Mandrill and Amazon SES.
These drivers are API-based which means you can usually use them even if the host has blocked outbound SMTP.
Use Bazaar or install manually:
composer require flagrow/mail-drivers
composer update flagrow/mail-drivers
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear
Open the extension settings to configure your driver credentials. All the credentials are saved even if you don't enable the driver.
Clicking "set the mail driver to ..." will update your current "driver" setting from the Email tab. You can go back to the SMTP driver by setting "driver" to "smtp" in the Email tab of the admin panel.
Disabling this extension won't automatically switch you back to SMTP !
Mailgun and Mandrill will work out of the box.
Before configuring the SES driver you need to install the Amazon SDK with composer require aws/aws-sdk-php:~3.0
If you discover a security vulnerability within Mail Drivers, please send an email to the Gravure team at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Please include as many details as possible. You can use php flarum info
to get the PHP, Flarum and extension versions installed.