NOTE: tnseq-homeostasis analysis requires python and R .
Welcome! This is the distribution for the tnseq-homeostasis analysis developed by the Flaherty Lab at The University of Massachusetts Amherst.
tnseq-homeostasis are collection of scripts for statistical analysis of Tn-Seq data. It provides different functionalities like estimating the change in transposon insertions attributable to gene-environment changes without transformations (rnbtn) , Constructing Conditionally Essential Networks(hdp-seq) and identifying Proximal Stress-induced Conditionally Essential Genes.
tnseq-cen offers a variety of features including:
Identify Conditionally Essential Genes under multiple backhrounds, conditions and stress levels using regularized negative binomial regression .
Constructing Conditionally Essential Networks by hdp-seq models
Identifying Proximal Stress-induced Conditionally Essential Genes by the knock-off approach
R Shiny based web app for browsing Caulobacter crescentus conditionally essential networks. Available on (https://)
tnseq-homeostasis is available at biorxiv: