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Creating an empty mod

Ben Young edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

Here's how to create an empty mod.

  1. In the mods/ directory, create a directory with the desired name of your mod.
  2. Create a settings.txt file in this new directory.
  3. Edit settings.txt to describe your mod:
## settings.txt

description=Some text describing the mod

## version of this mod. Flare version numbers are in the format: major.minor.patch

## list of mods we depend on

## using the ':' character, you can specify the minimum and maximum versions of a required mod. Using '0' omits the version requirement. Here are some examples of using this syntax:

## fantasycore >= 1.0 required
# requires=fantasycore:1.0:0

## fantasycore <= 1.0 required
# requires=fantasycore:0:1.0

## fantasycore >= 1.0 and <= 2.0 required
# requires=fantasycore:1.0:2.0

## "games" are used to group mods that work together
## using "default" as the game will allow it to be used with any game

## the following control which engine versions are required for the mod
## if in doubt, feel free to omit these
# engine_version_min=0.90.01
# engine_version_max=1.0
  1. Start making your mod!

When your mod is placed after other mods, it will replace files in the lower mods with the ones in your mod. If you don't want to replace an entire file, you can append your file to the end of it by making the first line APPEND:

# to engine/resolutions.txt


And while we're on the topic of file parsing directives, you may also use INCLUDE to insert the entire contents of another file into a file:

# items/items.txt

INCLUDE items/base/sword.txt
# items/base/sword.txt
# how the engine sees items/items.txt

To start making a launchable game, see the Flare Starter Pack, and follow the Creating a Map in Tiled tutorial.

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