The officially released version is here:
This site generator uses Python 3, MkDocs. and Material for MkDocs.
cd $root/template
mkdocs serve
The preview site has everything except individual animations for each simulation. The animation pages are stubs which are replaced by the build script explained below.
To modify the site please edit the pages in the template directory and preview them
using serve
in the template directory.
The description pages for the simulations are located in template/docs/descriptions
-- modify
the files in that folder to edit the descriptions.
For example to change the description for the acoustic scattering maze 2d
simulation edit the content
of the file
At the bottom of each page is a "trailer" which lists the arxiv paper, email address, and github repository. This trailer is defined in the main html template located here:
To edit the trailer change the HTML under the comment
<!-- This is the standard trailing HTML content. -->
To build the full site, including all the animation links, run the following python script.
cd $root/scripts
To preview the full site, serve the generated site as follows:
cd $root/mkdocs
mkdocs serve
To build the static HTML tree for publication, use mkdocs build
as follows:
cd $root/mkdocs
mkdocs build
The generated site is created in $root/mkdocs/site