What's Changed
- Update issue templates by @manuschn in #3
- Iss009 fix editor by @hagrid67 in #11
- Random seed was not set when it was manually set to 0 (zero) or None … by @aiAdrian in #20
- Colab support animated flatland rendering by @aiAdrian in #14
- Iss0019 add graph repr by @hagrid67 in #27
- Replace Gitlab references wit GitHub by @fnberta in #28
- Add GitHub actions workflow for building and testing by @fnberta in #29
- use github.ref for concurrency by @fnberta in #30
- Clean out old stuff by @fnberta in #31
- add codeowners file by @fnberta in #35
- pull request to test CI by @hagrid67 in #33
- 36 env edit utils by @hagrid67 in #37
- Restructure project around pyproject.toml by @fnberta in #44
- Update issue templates by @fnberta in #45
- Add pr template by @fnberta in #46
- fix docs generation by @fnberta in #47
- Contribution updates by @fnberta in #48
- Publish package by @fnberta in #50
- issue fixed: np.argwhere returns an array of an array ! by @aiAdrian in #43
- Release version 4.0.0 by @fnberta in #51
New Contributors
Full Changelog: https://github.com/flatland-association/flatland-rl/commits/v4.0.0