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This list of commands may not be complete at any given time. It's mostly complete though.
This is a list of commands and hooks categorized by the plugin they are defined in, along with a short explanation of the plugin.
This plugin defines useful Clojure-specific functionality, such as Clojure code evaluation.
- Evaluation is a hook triggered by user-configurable prefixes.
- source: Looks up the line number in the metadata of a var and uses that line-number to construct a URL to the line of the source code on Github.
This plugin is analogous to the Clojure plugin. It provides Haskell utilities such as evaluation powered by the tryhaskell API or a local mueval installation.
- [heval, he]: Evaluate Haskell code using mueval. This requires that mueval be installed and on your PATH.
- tryhaskell: Evaluate Haskell code using the tryhaskell API.
- [htype, ht]: Find out the type of an expression.
Defines mailbox functionality. Users can mail other users and receive mail. There is no security. At this point, the mail plugin is not designed to be used for very important or private messages. No authentication is used. Mail is looked up by nickname.
This plugin defines hooks that alert users via a NOTICE when they are active and have new messages.
[getmail, mymail, getmessages]: This command retrieves any messages you've received. It deletes them immediately after.
mail: Sends somebody a message. With no arguments, it does the same thing as getmail.
Defines dictionary functionality using the wordnik API.
- dict: Looks up a word and gives you the most canonical definition it finds.
Defines magic 8 ball functionality
- 8ball: Makes the bot say a magic-8ballish message. It can take any arguments, so you can appear to ask it questions.
This plugin just waits for post-commit payloads from pre-configured Github repositories and prints commit information about them whenever they are pushed.
Defines search functionality via google.
- google: Googles a search term and prints the top result and an estimated number of results.
- wiki: The same as google, but with a site:en.wikipedia.org attached so that it searches wikipedia alone.
- ed: The same as wiki but with site:encyclopediadramatica.com instead.
Defines embedded command functionality
- There is an :on-message hook that looks for embedded command syntax and executes commands normally as if they were typical prefixed commands.
Defines fortune cookie functionality
- addfortune: Add a fortune cookie message.
- fortune: Get a fortune cookie message.
Defines help functionality. This plugin is lazybot's help system.
- addtopic: Add a help topic.
- rmtopic: Remove a help topic.
- help: Looks up help for a command or an added topic.
Defines karma functionality. Mostly just for fun.
- There are hooks for the inc and dec functions that make them look like Clojure code: (inc nickname) and (dec nickname).
- inc: Increment someone's karma
- dec: Decrement someone's karma
- karma: Check someone's karma.
This plugin just logs pre-configured channels.
Defines max user functionality.
- This plugin has a hook that listens for joins and keeps track of the number of users in a channel, and saves the number as the maximum whenever it exceeds the previous maximum.
- max: Tells you the maximum number of users that lazybot has ever seen in this channel
Defines functionality for shutting lazybot up
- mute: Mutes lazybot in this channel
- unmute: Unmutes lazybot in this channel.
Defines half-assed functionality for reading RSS and atom feeds
- rss: Tries to read an RSS feed. Mostly fails.
- atom: Does the same thing as rss and pretends it's special.
Defines correction functionality for previous messages.
- This plugin defines a hook that listens for a user to say s/something/something/ and replaces the first something with the second something in that user's previous message
- sed: Replaces something in someone's previous message
Defines URL shortening functionality.
- [bitly, bit-ly, bit.ly]: Shortens a URL using bit.ly
- [isgd, is-gd, is.gd]: Shortens a URL using id.gd.
- [dottk, dot-tk, dot.tk]: Shortens a URL using dot.tk
Defines timer functionality. You can add timers, delete timers, and view timers.
- timer: Creates a new timer. You supply the amount of time you want the timer to run and a message for it to print when time runs out. Time is represented like 0:0:0.
- timers: Prettyprints the currently running timers.
- dl-timer: Delete a timer using its unique number.
Defines language translation functionality using google translate.
- [translate, trans]: Translate some text between two languages. You have to supply a pair of languages to translate between using Google's abbreviations.
Defines user tracking functionality. You can find out when the last time the bot seen somebody was.
- This plugin defines hooks that listen for users to say or do something and then logs when and what that person was doing.
- seen: Find out when a person was last seen by the bot.
Defines title scraping functionality. Very flexible in that you can blacklist URLs using words to keep it from printing known useless titles. You can also blacklist URLs from users based on a user's hostmask. You'll probably never use that. You can also blacklist specific channels and ignore URLs from those channels.
- This plugin defines a hook that looks at messages for URLs and prints their titles if there isn't some blacklist or rule preventing it from doing so.
- title: A way to forcefully print a title.
Defines weather forecast functionality via wunderground.
- fcst: Gets the forecast for a city, state pair or zip code.
Defines factoid-like functionality.
- learn: Learn something new. Takes a key that can be looked up later and a value to bind it to.
- forget: Forget something.
- whatis: Print the value bound to a key.
- rwhatis: Print a random value from the whatis database.
Defines various useless and useful functionality that doesn't really have a home anywhere else.
- time: Get the current UTC time. Provide +n and -n modifiers for printing specific timezones.
- join: Make the bot join a channel.
- part: Make the bot part a channel, optionally with a message.
- rape: Prints an amusing message directed at a person you specify.
- coin: Flip a coin.
- what: Print an amusing message.
- pangram?: Checks to see if its input string is a pangram.
- fuck: : no u
- setnick: Change the bot's nickname.
- exists?: See if a directory exists on the machine that runs the bot. Fun for trying to find the botter's porn folder.
- botsnack: Love your bot? Give him a snack for all his hard work.
- your: Anger towards people who use 'your' when they should have used 'you're'.
- kill: IT WITH FIRE!
- gist: Create a new gist consisting of whatever you say.
- balance: Close opening parens.
- say: Make the bot say something in a channel.
- [tc, tempconv]: Temperature conversion. F100 will convert to C, and C100 will convert to F.
- ping: Ping an ip address or host using Java's near-worthless pinging stuff.
- huggle: Hug your fwiends.
- would: Make the bot say he'd do someone.
- shell: Execute a shell command.
Defines channel operatorbot functionality. These commands are pretty self-explanatory.
- op
- deop
- kick
- settopic
- ban
- unban
- voice
- devoice
Defines leetspeak functionality.
- elite: Convert text to its leetspeak equivalent.
Defines let me google that for you functionality.
- lmgtfy: Constructs a lmgtfy search URL. If you put @nickname at the end, the message will be directed towards a specific user.
Defines a Brainfuck interpreter
- bf: Execute brainfuck.