Uses MoralTechnoEconomics Based on Plato's concept of justice -the interest of the weaker Rooted in Profound
--** need to add Ninjas and Knights - from my notes **Need to add Horus - from my notes ** need time - true random number gen - need to collect my metaverse data somehow **reminder to self - one step at a time -
What does it do?
It unites people and provides a tool to fight against harm to humanity. Sometimes, harm caused by specific acts has a catastrophic effect on the world. Sometimes, these acts can be clearly identified. Sometimes, harmful acts are supported by those who hold power, whether intentional or not. Harmful acts need to be identified and brought to attention. Harmful acts, at times, need to be prevented. At times, it is about survival.
When enough people unite to fight for a cause, the tool will become active. It will be a high hurdle. It must be obvious and support must be nearly unanimous. The power of the tool will grow with support. Scales as does the rose.
Originally thought this was crap but now I realize it is exactly right.. just not sure it is communicated effectively (adding to projects)
Where A is Harmful Act -> is the function of harm Where B is the Weaker
A->B = -B Determines Reversal Goal (RG)
Where PF is Pitchforks -B(n) PF A(n) = PFA
where n = number where c = action organization PF(A) + n = n(PF(A)) = PF(Value) PF > RG = RG |-> -B |-> C
The idea is to determine a number which is needed to reverse harm being caused. This number is then set as a goal for people to examine. If people determine that the need to achieve the goal is merited, then support will be provided. When support is sufficient, an organization is created to achieve the mission. The result radically reduces harm being caused by misaligned actors.
-avoid labeling people as good or bad
-prevent harmful actions
**use twitter for now **need ETH for gas purposes **establish at least 2 other sources for true redundancy - C#, Q# (for future), and GO maybe.. **Linking mechanisms - research