This repository was made for web developers who want to start a new application with modern tools fast and easy. A complete setup with the tools below which can help you skip the initial setup and go straight to development or even MVP.
Please note that PHP 8.3 is still not support, use previous versions.
Clone the repo locally:
git clone
Go to the folder (you can choose your own folder's name in clone step)
cd quick-setup-web
Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
Install NPM dependencies:
npm install
Build assets:
npm run build
Setup configuration:
cp .env.example .env
Generate application key:
php artisan key:generate
Start the Docker container with sail, if you want to use Docker.
./vendor/bin/sail up
If you don't want to use Docker, run Larave's local server:
php artisan serve
Run database migrations:
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
- First work by Fabio Espindola (@flespindola)