This website was made to SIR Diagnóstico, which is a company from Brazil that works with MRI, tomography, x-ray and ultrasound. What was done:
- A clean institutional page with informations about service portfolio and the branches, with address and link to Waze and Uber.
- A simple integration with the company's TOTVS RM ERP using SOAP to collect data from exams.
- The generation of a link with a security token to PACS user view from Carestream, where the patient could se the exam results.
- A WhatsApp integration using Botgesigner to send the link to view the exam results.
I implement a exam query task every hour to retrieve exams with available status to generate a link to view the result and send to patient's WhatsApp.
This project was built using Laravel 8.0. I would like to thank the whole laravel community.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.