Tell me is a very simple way to get to know more about your user behavior. Know every click in buttons, links or any HTML elements. Register the events and send to storage.
npm install @fabioespindola/tellme
import attachClick from '@fabioespindola/tellme'
const selectors = [ '.myClass1', '.myClass2', '#myId1', '#myId2', ... ]
const url = 'api endpoint'
const headers = {
header1: value1,
header2: value2
attachClick(selectors, url, headers)
You should add a aria-label to identify the element
<button id='#myId1' aria-label='My button'>My button</button>
Then you should receive in your backend something like this
event: "click",
type: "button",
label: "My button",
url: "element page url",
datetime: "2023-06-23 09:00:49"