Tagify Plugin for Flextype
Lightweight and efficient Tags input plugin for Flextype.
The following dependencies need to be downloaded and installed for Tagify Plugin.
Item | Version | Download |
flextype | 0.9.16 | download |
twig | >=2.0.0 | download |
blueprints | >=1.0.0 | download |
- Download & Install all required dependencies.
- Create new folder
- Download Tagify Plugin and unzip plugin content to the folder
# enabled: true or false to disable the plugin
enabled: true
# Plugin priority
priority: 41
# Place to load
assetsLoadOnAdmin: true
assetsLoadOnSite: false
# Blocks
type: Tagify
name: tagify
# Tagify options
# Tag data Object property which will be displayed as the tag's text.
# Remember to keep "value" property unique.
tagTextProp: "value"
# Placeholder text.
# If this attribute is set on an input/textarea element it will override this setting
placeholder: ""
# [RegEx string] split tags by any of these delimiters.
# Example delimeters: ",|.| " (comma, dot or whitespace)
delimiters: ","
# Validate input by RegEx pattern (can also be applied on the input itself as an attribute) Ex: /[1-9]/
pattern: null
# Use select for single-value dropdown-like select box.
# See mix as value to allow mixed-content. The 'pattern' setting must be set to some character.
mode: null
# Interpolation for mix mode.
# Everything between these will become a tag
mixTagsInterpolator: ['[[', ']]']
# Define conditions in which typed mix-tags content is allowing a tag to be created after.
mixTagsAllowedAfter: /,|\.|\:|\s/
# Should duplicate tags be allowed or not
duplicates: false
# If `true` trim the tag's value (remove before/after whitespaces)
trim: true
# Should ONLY use tags allowed in whitelist.
# In `mix-mode`, setting it to `false` will not allow creating new tags.
enforceWhitelist: false
# Tries to suggest the input's value while typing (match from whitelist) by adding the rest of term as grayed-out text
autoComplete.enabled: true
# If `true`, when `→` is pressed, use the suggested value to create a tag, else just auto-completes the input.
# In mixed-mode this is ignored and treated as "true"
rautoComplete.rightKey: false
# An array of allowed tags (Strings or Objects).
# When using Objects in the whitelist array a `value` property is a must & should be unique.
# Also, the *whitelist used for auto-completion when `autoCompletion.enabled` is `true`
whitelist: []
# An array of tags which aren't allowed
blacklist: []
# Automatically adds the text which was inputed as a tag when blur event happens
addTagOnBlur: true
# `false` or `null` will disallow editing
# Number of clicks to enter "edit-mode": 1 for single click.
# Any other value is considered as double-click
clicks: 1
# keeps invalid edits as-is until esc is pressed while in focus
keepInvalid: true
# If `true`, do not remove tags which did not pass validation
keepInvalidTags: false
# If `true`, do not add invalid, temporary, tags before automatically removing them
skipInvalid: true
# On pressing backspace key:
# true - remove last tag
# edit - edit last tag
backspace: true
# `node` or `string` to add after a tag added
insertAfterTag: \u00A0
# allows tags to get focus, and also to be deleted via backspace
focusableTags: false
# Minimum characters input for showing a suggestions list.
# `false` will not render a suggestions list.
enabled: 2
# if `true`, match exact item when a suggestion is selected (from the dropdown) and also more strict matching for dulpicate items.
# Ensure `fuzzySearch` is `false` for this to work.
caseSensitive: false
# Maximum items to show in the suggestions list
maxItems: 10
# Custom classname for the dropdown suggestions selectbox
classname: ""
# Enables filtering dropdown items values' by string containing and not only beginning
fuzzySearch: true
# Enable searching for accented items in the whitelist without typing exact match
accentedSearch: true
# manual - will not render the dropdown, and you would need to do it yourself.
# text - places the dropdown next to the caret
# input - places the dropdown next to the input (useful in rare situations)
# all - normal, full-width design
position: "all"
# When a suggestions list is shown, highlight the first item,
# and also suggest it in the input (The suggestion can be accepted with `→` key)
highlightFirst: false
# close the dropdown after selecting an item, if `enabled:0` is set (which means always show dropdown on focus)
closeOnSelect: true
# Keep typed text after selecting a suggestion
clearOnSelect: true
# When a user types something and trying to match the whitelist items for suggestions,
# this setting allows matching other keys of a whitelist objects
searchKeys: ["value", "searchBy"]
# If defined, will force the placement of the dropdown in respect
# to the Boolean value: `true` will always show the suggestions dropdown above the input field a
# and `false` will always show it below.
# By default this setting it not defined and the placement of the dropdown is automatically decided according to the space availble,
# where opening it below the input is preferred.
placeAbove: ""
template: plugins/tagify/blocks/Tagify/block.html
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2021 Sergey Romanenko