released this
28 Aug 19:28
Support "mixed club" relays and distinguish between Ranking and Category
Add the DSQ (disqualified) status for competitors
Allow case-sensitive correction and reset of clubs in competitors table
Use background colors on bib cells in timing recorder
Do not discard odd recorded times or bibs
Change icons on 'Edit' buttons and in application menu
Improve information and error messaging with colors
Improve PDF metadata
Translate the "Created with" sentence on PDFs
Omit "Results type" string in start-list PDF
Add warning message when opening a file saved in old format
Add Import/Export buttons for Timings in main window
Prevent writing or pasting into 'info' and 'error' areas
Remove any previously installed version before installing
Add in-app link for supporting the project
Set CSV/Plain Text Encoding using a dedicated dialog
Fix separators in export/import file path
Allow support of encodings other than UTF-8 and Latin1
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