These are my solutions for the 2024 edition of the annual event Advent of Code.
- The code for each solution is in src/main/, in either Java, Rust, C++, or OCaml.
- – The answers for each day and languages it was solved with.
There are three helper scripts to prepare solutions, test, and submit answers:
Creates a new source code file in src/main/ from one of the templates in templates/ and downloads the day's input to inputs/. -
Submits the answer for the day and selected puzzle part. If no answer is passed as argument, reads from clipboard. -
Compiles and runs the solution in any language for the specified day (or today, if none is specified).
They both need you to have a .env file in the root of the project with a line like this: SESSION_TOKEN=yoursessiontoken
You can get your session token by looking at your cookies when logged on in the AoC website.
Don't let anyone have access to your session token.