This docker image provides hledger, the plain text accounting software, and associated tools:
- hledger-web, the web interface for hledger
- hledger-ui, the curses interface for hledger
- hledger-iadd, the interactive console frontend for "hledger add"
- hledger-diff, the tool to diff journal files
- hledger-interest, tool to compute interest for loan/mortgage accounts
- Most recent:
- Legacy:
By default, container will start hledger-web on port 5000, reading journal hledger.journal
from volume data
, so assuming your journal is in ~/journals/all.journal
, you can run:
docker run --rm -d -e HLEDGER_JOURNAL_FILE=/data/all.journal -v "$HOME/journals:/data" -p 5000:5000 --user $(id --user) dastapov/hledger
and navigate to http://localhost:5000
for hledger-web
If you have LEDGER_FILE environmed variable defined already, you can try:
docker run --rm -d -e HLEDGER_JOURNAL_FILE=/data/$(basename $LEDGER_FILE) -v "$(dirname $LEDGER_FILE):/data" -p 5000:5000 --user $(id --user) dastapov/hledger
Any extra arguments you provide will be passed to hledger-web
Github repo contains helper script that simplifies invocation:
./ ~/journals/all.journal web
- input file (default: /data/hledger.journal)
- set the TCP host (default:
- set the TCP port (default: 5000)
- debug output (default: 1, increase for more)
- set the base url (default: http://localhost:$HLEDGER_PORT)
- set the static files url (default: $HLEDGER_BASE_URL/static)
- CSV conversion rules file (default: /data/hledger.rules)
- extra arguments you want to pass to hledger-web. You can supply extra arguments on the command line as well, but environment variable is useful for docker-compose recipes.
You can use this image to run command-line version of hledger (or hledger-iadd, hledger-ui, ...) by
providing alternative start command to docker run
You can just drop into a shell in the container and run hledger there (remember to include -it
docker run --rm -it -v "$HOME/hledger-data:/data" --user $(id --user) dastapov/hledger bash
Github repo contains helper script that simplifies invocation:
./ ~/journals/all.journal bash
You can use docker run
to invoke hledger
docker run --rm -v "$HOME/hledger-data:/data" --user $(id --user) dastapov/hledger hledger -f /data/hledger.journal stats
Make sure you provide --rm
argument to docker run
, otherwise your containers will be kept in the container
registry even after you are done with them, which is probably not what you want.
You can use the supplied Dockerfile to get yourself an image for hledger development. Build target dev
will get you Debian-based image with stack
and all the build dependencies of hledger
docker image build --tag hledger-dev --target dev .
Alternatively, you can use pre-built image via latest-dev
or VERSION-dev
docker run --rm -it -v "$HOME/hledger-data:/data" dastapov/hledger:latest-dev bash