TokenFlow is a primitive that enables arbitrary token movements within a scope while enforcing constraints on the final state.
Handling token approvals and transfers often requires careful tracking of every operation and extensive safety checks.
Traditional approaches either rely on multiple approvals degrading UX or introduce unnecessary intermediary hops.
While Permit2
solves the multiple approvals problem and safely holds approvals, it's mostly used with signatures, thus requiring users to sign and then send their transaction, or delegate transaction execution to third parties. Moreover, since signatures are fully spent it can only be used for a single transfer, and not for complex operations like a multiplexing swap.
Thanks to transient storage, TokenFlow allows users to specify constraints on the final token state, without tying it to a specific action or contract.
The core idea is simple:
- Define constraints on the final token state
- Within an internal scope, allow any contract to move any user token around, in any amount
- Verify that the user's final token balance meets the constraints. If a token was not specified in the constraints but was moved, the default constraint is that the token was not spent, i.e. the balance must be greater or equal to the initial balance.
In spirit, this is similar to a flash loan from the user's balance, with the key difference that user-specified constraints are enforced.
participant User
participant TokenFlow
participant Scope
participant Token
User->>TokenFlow: main(constraints, scope)
activate TokenFlow
Note over TokenFlow: Initialize netflows tracking
TokenFlow->>Scope: enter()
activate Scope
Note over Scope: Can freely move tokens
Scope->>Token: transferFrom(user, to)
Scope->>Token: transferFrom(from, user)
Scope-->>TokenFlow: return
deactivate Scope
Note over TokenFlow: Verify netflow constraints
TokenFlow-->>User: return
deactivate TokenFlow
// Example 1: Token Swap
function swapTokens(
address tokenIn,
address tokenOut,
uint amountIn,
uint minAmountOut
) external {
Constraint[] memory constraints = new Constraint[](2);
constraints[0] = Constraint(tokenIn, int256(amountIn)); // Max outflow
constraints[1] = Constraint(tokenOut, -int256(minAmountOut)); // Min inflow
// This will revert if the constraints are not met
tokenFlow.main(constraints, swapContract, "");
// Example 2: Simple Approve
function simpleApprove(
address token,
address spender,
uint amount
) external {
Constraint[] memory constraints = new Constraint[](1);
constraints[0] = Constraint(token, int256(amount));
tokenFlow.main(constraints, contractToApprove, "");
// Example 3: Batch Operations
function batchedOperations(
address[] calldata tokens,
uint[] calldata maxOutflows,
address batchProcessor
) external {
Constraint[] memory constraints = new Constraint[](tokens.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
constraints[i] = Constraint(tokens[i], int256(maxOutflows[i]));
tokenFlow.main(constraints, batchProcessor, "");
TokenFlow combines two key mechanisms:
Netflow Accounting: Rather than transferring a predetermined amount, we allow arbitrary token movements within a scope. The system tracks the net flow of tokens (inflows minus outflows) and ensures it satisfies the user's constraints. This enables complex operations while maintaining simple safety invariants.
Transient Storage + Scoping: A scoped execution environment using transient storage ensures all state is properly isolated and cleaned up between transactions. This prevents any state leakage between different flows and provides clean composition.
TokenFlow enables several key optimizations and use cases:
Optimized Token Movements
- DEX aggregators can transfer directly from users to pools
- No intermediate router hops needed
- Eliminates the need for a contract holding approvals
Intent Settlement
- Users specify constraints (min/max amounts) without tying them to specific actions
- The user constraints are separated from the calldata of the operation, meaning they can be settled by any solver or protocol.
- Clean composition with other protocols
- No shared state between flows
- Simple safety invariants
Scope Trust
- Scope contracts have full control over user funds during execution
- Must be carefully audited and verified
- Consider using scope allowlists for additional safety
Token Compatibility
- Works with standard ERC20 tokens
- Works with fee-on-transfer tokens
TokenFlow has got through a Cantina audit.
- 0x Allowance Holder for the idea of transient storage allowance.
- Permit2