FluidDyn project is an ecosystem of packages for research and teaching in fluid dynamics. The Python package fluiddyn contains:
- basic utilities to manage: File I/O for some esoteric formats, publication quality figures, job submission on clusters, MPI
- powerful classes to handle: parameters, arrays, series of files
- simplified interfaces to calculate: FFT, spherical harmonics
and much more. It is used as a library in the other specialized packages of the FluidDyn project (in particular in fluidfft, fluidsim, fluidlab and fluidimage).
Documentation: Read the Docs, Heptapod Pages
The simplest way to install fluiddyn is by using pip:
pip install fluiddyn
Minimum | Python (>=3.9), numpy matplotlib h5py psutil |
Full functionality | h5py h5netcdf pillow imageio mpi4py scipy pyfftw (requires FFTW library),
SHTns |
Optional | OpenCV with Python bindings, scikit-image |
Note: Detailed instructions to install the above dependencies using Anaconda / Miniconda or in a specific operating system such as Ubuntu, macOS etc. can be found here.
With an editable installation, you can run the tests with:
If you use any of the FluidDyn packages to produce scientific articles, please cite our metapaper presenting the FluidDyn project and the fluiddyn package:
@article{fluiddyn, doi = {10.5334/jors.237}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Ubiquity Press, Ltd.}, volume = {7}, author = {Pierre Augier and Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan and Cyrille Bonamy}, title = {{FluidDyn}: A Python Open-Source Framework for Research and Teaching in Fluid Dynamics by Simulations, Experiments and Data Processing}, journal = {Journal of Open Research Software} }
The FluidDyn project started in 2015 as the evolution of two packages previously developed by Pierre Augier (CNRS researcher at LEGI, Grenoble): solveq2d (a numerical code to solve fluid equations in a periodic two-dimensional space with a pseudo-spectral method, developed at KTH, Stockholm) and fluidlab (a toolkit to do experiments, developed in the G. K. Batchelor Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at DAMTP, University of Cambridge).
Keywords and ambitions: fluid dynamics research with Python (>= 3.6), modular, object-oriented, collaborative, tested and documented, free and open-source software.
FluidDyn is distributed under the CeCILL-B License, a BSD compatible french license.