Changes Papirus folder colors every X seconds. With selective colors and shuffle.
(speed only for illustrative purposes)
This program is based on and requires previous installation of the great papirus-folders.
Clone this entire project, enter its folder and run
$ git clone
$ cd papirus-folders-cycle
$ ./
Once installed, the CLI is available:
$ ps-fc-cli help
Papirus Folders Cycle CLI (ps-fc-cli) has this available commands:
help / --help / -h Show this help.
enable Enables cycling (from next log on).
disable Stops cycling and removes autostart on log on.
uninstall Uninstalls Papirus Folders Cycle and CLI is self-destroyed forever.
Error 404: This happens when i don't find the icon theme's folder in ~/.icons/, please install icons there as i can't (and shouldn't) have root access to read /usr/share/icons/.
Edit your config file (~/.ps-folders-cycle), here's an example:
changeEvery=300; # seconds | program won't accept less than 10,
# and recommended is 60 or higher
theme=Papirus # change if you're using Papirus-Dark or other icon theme.
# Use quotes ("") if name has spaces.
shuffleCycle=false # (true | false) activate random order
shuffleStart=true # (true | false) start from random color,
# continue in order (if not shuffling).
startupNotif=true # (true | false) notify that program was started
colorNotif=true # (true | false) notify when color changed
#Enter colors separated by spaces or new lines.
#Arrange in desired order of cycling.
#Check available colors on
colors=(black bluegrey brown cyan green indigo nordic
palebrown pinkteal white yellow blue breeze carmine
deeporange grey magenta orange paleorange red violet yaru)