FSJ - File Splitter & Joiner v.009_6226
by Yuriy Y. Yermilov.
Open-Source, Please read the disclaimer in fsj.c
Contact info included.
-h [print this message]
-n [define # of parts to split file into]
-s<part_size> [splits file into file_size/<your value (in bytes)>]
-j <name_of_join_file.fsj> [joins files back together]
To split file into 10 parts (at most):
Example [#1]: fsj -n10 FILE.EXT
To splits file into N parts 512 bytes each (at most):
Example [#2]: fsj -s512 FILE.EXT
To join files specified in FILE_name.fsj into file named .
Example [#3]: fsj -j FILE_name.fsj