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UINV-553: Display selected version in Invoice line view (#830) #1228

UINV-553: Display selected version in Invoice line view (#830)

UINV-553: Display selected version in Invoice line view (#830) #1228

GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results succeeded Nov 24, 2024 in 0s

All 381 tests pass in 3m 36s

    1 files  ±0  125 suites  +3   3m 36s ⏱️ ±0s
381 tests +4  381 ✔️ +4  0 💤 ±0  0 ±0 
387 runs  +5  387 ✔️ +5  0 💤 ±0  0 ±0 

Results for commit be5f559. ± Comparison against earlier commit 55abd79.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

381 tests found

There are 381 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
 validateAccountingCode ‑  validateAccountingCode
AddInvoiceLinesAction should display find po plugin (unavailable mode) ‑ AddInvoiceLinesAction should display find po plugin (unavailable mode)
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should add lines modal when different currencies are confirmed ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should add lines modal when different currencies are confirmed
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should add lines when addLines prop is called ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should add lines when addLines prop is called
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should add lines when lines with not matched vendors are confirmed and currencies are matched ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should add lines when lines with not matched vendors are confirmed and currencies are matched
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should open currencies modal when currencies are matched ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should open currencies modal when currencies are matched
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should open different vendor confirmation modal when selected order lines vendors are not matched with invoice vendor ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should open different vendor confirmation modal when selected order lines vendors are not matched with invoice vendor
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should redirect to invoice line details ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer Actions should redirect to invoice line details
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer should call useInvoiceOrders to fetch related orders ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer should call useInvoiceOrders to fetch related orders
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer should display AddInvoiceLinesAction ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer should display AddInvoiceLinesAction
AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer should display InvoiceLines ‑ AddInvoiceLinesActionContainer should display InvoiceLines
AdjustmentsDetails should display adjustments table ‑ AdjustmentsDetails should display adjustments table
AdjustmentsForm should display adjustments details in non interactive mode ‑ AdjustmentsForm should display adjustments details in non interactive mode
AdjustmentsForm should render correct structure with defined adjustments ‑ AdjustmentsForm should render correct structure with defined adjustments
AdjustmentsForm should render correct structure without adjustments ‑ AdjustmentsForm should render correct structure without adjustments
AdjustmentsForm should reset expenseClassId on fiscalYearId changed ‑ AdjustmentsForm should reset expenseClassId on fiscalYearId changed
ApproveConfirmationModal component should display modal title, message, footer ‑ ApproveConfirmationModal component should display modal title, message, footer
ApprovedBy should display no value when no approved ‑ ApprovedBy should display no value when no approved
ApprovedBy should display user full name when approver defined ‑ ApprovedBy should display user full name when approver defined
BatchGroupConfigurationForm component should render correct structure ‑ BatchGroupConfigurationForm component should render correct structure
BatchGroupConfigurationForm component should render scheduled export input ‑ BatchGroupConfigurationForm component should render scheduled export input
BatchGroupConfigurationForm component should render upload location placeholder ‑ BatchGroupConfigurationForm component should render upload location placeholder
BatchGroupConfigurationSettings Actions should make POST request to test connection when testConnection action is called ‑ BatchGroupConfigurationSettings Actions should make POST request to test connection when testConnection action is called
BatchGroupConfigurationSettings Actions should save export config when onSave is called ‑ BatchGroupConfigurationSettings Actions should save export config when onSave is called
BatchGroupConfigurationSettings should display BatchGroupConfigurationForm when loaded ‑ BatchGroupConfigurationSettings should display BatchGroupConfigurationForm when loaded
BatchGroupFilter should be closed by default ‑ BatchGroupFilter should be closed by default
BatchGroupFilter should display filter title ‑ BatchGroupFilter should display filter title
BatchGroupValue should display batch group when loaded ‑ BatchGroupValue should display batch group when loaded
BatchGroupValue should not display batch group when not loaded ‑ BatchGroupValue should not display batch group when not loaded
BatchVoucherExportsList should render MCList with corresponding columns ‑ BatchVoucherExportsList should render MCList with corresponding columns
BillTo component should display address ‑ BillTo component should display address
BillTo component should display hyphen instead of address ‑ BillTo component should display hyphen instead of address
CalculatedExchangeAmount should not render component ‑ CalculatedExchangeAmount should not render component
CalculatedExchangeAmount should render calculated exchange amount ‑ CalculatedExchangeAmount should render calculated exchange amount
CancellationModal should change textarea value when typing ‑ CancellationModal should change textarea value when typing
CancellationModal should display modal title, message, cancellation note input, footer ‑ CancellationModal should display modal title, message, cancellation note input, footer
CancellationModal should handle action cancellation ‑ CancellationModal should handle action cancellation
CancellationModal should handle submit ‑ CancellationModal should handle submit
ConfirmManualExportModal should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked ‑ ConfirmManualExportModal should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked
ConfirmManualExportModal should call 'onConfirm' when 'Continue' button was clicked ‑ ConfirmManualExportModal should call 'onConfirm' when 'Continue' button was clicked
ConfirmManualExportModal should display confirmation modal with heading and message ‑ ConfirmManualExportModal should display confirmation modal with heading and message
CreateInvoice should display invoice form ‑ CreateInvoice should display invoice form
CreateInvoice should redirect to invoice details when create is done ‑ CreateInvoice should redirect to invoice details when create is done
CreateInvoice should redirect to invoice list when create is cancelled ‑ CreateInvoice should redirect to invoice list when create is cancelled
CreateInvoiceLine should display invoice line form ‑ CreateInvoiceLine should display invoice line form
CreateInvoiceLine should redirect to invoice details when create is done/cancelled ‑ CreateInvoiceLine should redirect to invoice details when create is done/cancelled
CredentialsField as final-form Field should render field with 'password' type if credentials are hidden ‑ CredentialsField as final-form Field should render field with 'password' type if credentials are hidden
CredentialsField as final-form Field should render field with 'text' type if credentials are visible ‑ CredentialsField as final-form Field should render field with 'text' type if credentials are visible
CredentialsField as non-interactive should display value if credentials are visible ‑ CredentialsField as non-interactive should display value if credentials are visible
CredentialsField as non-interactive should not display value if credentials are hidden ‑ CredentialsField as non-interactive should not display value if credentials are hidden
DocumentsDetails should render invoice documents ‑ DocumentsDetails should render invoice documents
DocumentsDetailsContainer should display DocumentsDetails ‑ DocumentsDetailsContainer should display DocumentsDetails
DuplicateInvoiceList component should display duplicate invoice list title ‑ DuplicateInvoiceList component should display duplicate invoice list title
DuplicateInvoiceList component should display invoice in the list ‑ DuplicateInvoiceList component should display invoice in the list
EditInvoice should display invoice form ‑ EditInvoice should display invoice form
EditInvoice should redirect to invoice details when edit is done ‑ EditInvoice should redirect to invoice details when edit is done
EditInvoiceLine should display invoice line form ‑ EditInvoiceLine should display invoice line form
EditInvoiceLine should redirect to invoice details when create is done/cancelled ‑ EditInvoiceLine should redirect to invoice details when create is done/cancelled
ExportSettingsModal actions Close modal should close modal when cancel button clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions Close modal should close modal when cancel button clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions Export should exporting when 'Export' button clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions Export should exporting when 'Export' button clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all Invoice fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all Invoice fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all Invoice lines fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all Invoice lines fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions selected fields should select an option item if it was clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions selected fields should select an option item if it was clicked
ExportSettingsModal should render Export Settings Modal ‑ ExportSettingsModal should render Export Settings Modal
ExportVoucherButton should display button when batchVoucherId is defined ‑ ExportVoucherButton should display button when batchVoucherId is defined
ExportVoucherButton should not display button when batchVoucherId is not defined ‑ ExportVoucherButton should not display button when batchVoucherId is not defined
ExportVoucherButton should save fetched file when button is pressed ‑ ExportVoucherButton should save fetched file when button is pressed
ExtendedInformation component should display exchange rate ‑ ExtendedInformation component should display exchange rate
ExtendedInformation component should display extended information ‑ ExtendedInformation component should display extended information
ExtendedInformation component should not display exchange rate ‑ ExtendedInformation component should not display exchange rate
FieldFiscalYearContainer should have a required label ‑ FieldFiscalYearContainer should have a required label
FieldFiscalYearContainer should render fiscal year final form field ‑ FieldFiscalYearContainer should render fiscal year final form field
FiscalYearFilter should display filter title ‑ FiscalYearFilter should display filter title
FiscalYearFilter should display spinner element ‑ FiscalYearFilter should display spinner element
FiscalYearValueContainer should fetch fiscal year by ID and display as key-value ‑ FiscalYearValueContainer should fetch fiscal year by ID and display as key-value
Information component should display invoice information ‑ Information component should display invoice information
Information component should display lock total amount ‑ Information component should display lock total amount
Information component should not display lock total amount ‑ Information component should not display lock total amount
Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make DELETE request to delete invoice document/link ‑ Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make DELETE request to delete invoice document/link
Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make POST request to save invoice ‑ Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make POST request to save invoice
Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make POST requests to save invoice documents ‑ Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make POST requests to save invoice documents
Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make POST requests to save invoice links ‑ Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make POST requests to save invoice links
Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make PUT request to save invoice ‑ Invoice form utils saveInvoice should make PUT request to save invoice
Invoice utils convertToInvoiceLineFields should return invoice line fields based on order line ‑ Invoice utils convertToInvoiceLineFields should return invoice line fields based on order line
Invoice utils getActiveAccountNumberOptions should return active account numbers ‑ Invoice utils getActiveAccountNumberOptions should return active account numbers
InvoiceActions should Approve & Pay button disabled ‑ InvoiceActions should Approve & Pay button disabled
InvoiceActions should display Approve action when not post approved status ‑ InvoiceActions should display Approve action when not post approved status
InvoiceActions should display Approve and Pay action when setting is enabled and not post approved status ‑ InvoiceActions should display Approve and Pay action when setting is enabled and not post approved status
InvoiceActions should display Approve and Pay action when setting is enabled and with approved status ‑ InvoiceActions should display Approve and Pay action when setting is enabled and with approved status
InvoiceActions should display Pay action when approved status ‑ InvoiceActions should display Pay action when approved status
InvoiceActions should display Print action when onPrint prop is defined ‑ InvoiceActions should display Print action when onPrint prop is defined
InvoiceActions should display delete action when line can be deleted ‑ InvoiceActions should display delete action when line can be deleted
InvoiceActions should display edit action ‑ InvoiceActions should display edit action
InvoiceActions should not display delete action when line can not be deleted ‑ InvoiceActions should not display delete action when line can not be deleted
InvoiceBatchVoucherExport should render correct structure for invoice batch voucher export ‑ InvoiceBatchVoucherExport should render correct structure for invoice batch voucher export
InvoiceDetails Actions Approve and Pay should call approveAndPayInvoice when Approve&Pay is confirmed ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Approve and Pay should call approveAndPayInvoice when Approve&Pay is confirmed
InvoiceDetails Actions Approve and Pay should open confirmation modal when Approve&Pay invoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Approve and Pay should open confirmation modal when Approve&Pay invoice action is called
InvoiceDetails Actions Approve should call approveInvoice when approve action is confirmed ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Approve should call approveInvoice when approve action is confirmed
InvoiceDetails Actions Approve should open confirmation modal when Approve invoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Approve should open confirmation modal when Approve invoice action is called
InvoiceDetails Actions Cancel should  ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Cancel should 
InvoiceDetails Actions Cancel should open CancellationModal when cancel action is pressed in InvoiceActions ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Cancel should open CancellationModal when cancel action is pressed in InvoiceActions
InvoiceDetails Actions Delete should call deleteInvoice when delete action is confirmed ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Delete should call deleteInvoice when delete action is confirmed
InvoiceDetails Actions Delete should open confirmation modal when Delete invoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Delete should open confirmation modal when Delete invoice action is called
InvoiceDetails Actions Duplicate should call onDuplicate when Duplicate invoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Duplicate should call onDuplicate when Duplicate invoice action is called
InvoiceDetails Actions Duplicate should navigate to invoice form when Duplicate invoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Duplicate should navigate to invoice form when Duplicate invoice action is called
InvoiceDetails Actions Edit should call onEdit when edit action is pressed in InvoiceActions ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Edit should call onEdit when edit action is pressed in InvoiceActions
InvoiceDetails Actions Pay should call payInvoice when pay is confirmed ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Pay should call payInvoice when pay is confirmed
InvoiceDetails Actions Pay should open confirmation modal when Pay invoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Pay should open confirmation modal when Pay invoice action is called
InvoiceDetails Actions Print voucher should open print voucher modal when Print invoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Actions Print voucher should open print voucher modal when Print invoice action is called
InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should call onEdit when edit shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should call onEdit when edit shortcut is called
InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should navigate to invoice form when new shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceDetails Shortcuts should navigate to invoice form when new shortcut is called
InvoiceDetails Tags should open tags pane when badge is clicked ‑ InvoiceDetails Tags should open tags pane when badge is clicked
InvoiceDetails Version history should open when change log icon is clicked ‑ InvoiceDetails Version history should open when change log icon is clicked
InvoiceDetails should display fully paid POL message when there are paid order lines ‑ InvoiceDetails should display fully paid POL message when there are paid order lines
InvoiceDetails should display pending orders banner message ‑ InvoiceDetails should display pending orders banner message
InvoiceDetails should display vendor not active banner message ‑ InvoiceDetails should display vendor not active banner message
InvoiceDetails should not display pending orders banner message ‑ InvoiceDetails should not display pending orders banner message
InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Approved invoice ‑ InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Approved invoice
InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Cancelled invoice ‑ InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Cancelled invoice
InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Open invoice ‑ InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Open invoice
InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Paid invoice ‑ InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Paid invoice
InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Reviewed invoice ‑ InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for Reviewed invoice
InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for invoice with batch voucher ‑ InvoiceDetails should render correct structure for invoice with batch voucher
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve Pay action should call mutateInvoice when approveAndPayInvoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve Pay action should call mutateInvoice when approveAndPayInvoice action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve Pay action should not refresh list when invoice has not been approved/paid ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve Pay action should not refresh list when invoice has not been approved/paid
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve Pay action should refresh list when invoice has been approved and paid ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve Pay action should refresh list when invoice has been approved and paid
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve action should call mutateInvoice when approveInvoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve action should call mutateInvoice when approveInvoice action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve action should not refresh list when invoice has not been approved ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve action should not refresh list when invoice has not been approved
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve action should refresh list when invoice has been approved ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Approve action should refresh list when invoice has been approved
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Cancel action should call mutateInvoice when cancelInvoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Cancel action should call mutateInvoice when cancelInvoice action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Cancel action should not refresh list when invoice has not been cancelled ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Cancel action should not refresh list when invoice has not been cancelled
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Cancel action should refresh list when invoice has been cancelled ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Cancel action should refresh list when invoice has been cancelled
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Delete action should make DELETE request when deleteInvoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Delete action should make DELETE request when deleteInvoice action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Delete action should not refresh list when invoice has not been deleted ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Delete action should not refresh list when invoice has not been deleted
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Delete action should refresh list when invoice has been deleted ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Delete action should refresh list when invoice has been deleted
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Duplicate action should call `mutateInvoice` and  `createInvoiceLines` when duplicateInvoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Duplicate action should call `mutateInvoice` and  `createInvoiceLines` when duplicateInvoice action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Duplicate action should call error message ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Duplicate action should call error message
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Duplicate action should refresh list when invoice has been duplicated ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Duplicate action should refresh list when invoice has been duplicated
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Pay action should call mutateInvoice when payInvoice action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Pay action should call mutateInvoice when payInvoice action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Pay action should not refresh list when invoice has not been paid ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Pay action should not refresh list when invoice has not been paid
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Pay action should refresh list when invoice has been paid ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions Pay action should refresh list when invoice has been paid
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should handle error ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should handle error
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should make POST requests to create invoice lines based on orderLines when addLines action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should make POST requests to create invoice lines based on orderLines when addLines action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should mutate an invoice when onUpdate action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should mutate an invoice when onUpdate action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice edit form when onEdit action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice edit form when onEdit action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice line create form when createLine action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice line create form when createLine action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoices list when onClose action is called ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoices list when onClose action is called
InvoiceDetailsContainer should display InvoiceDetails when loaded ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer should display InvoiceDetails when loaded
InvoiceDetailsContainer should not display InvoiceDetails when loading ‑ InvoiceDetailsContainer should not display InvoiceDetails when loading
InvoiceDocument should display document name as a button when document can be dowloaded ‑ InvoiceDocument should display document name as a button when document can be dowloaded
InvoiceDocument should display document name as a text when document can not be downloaded ‑ InvoiceDocument should display document name as a text when document can not be downloaded
InvoiceDocumentsForm should render correct structure with defined adjustments ‑ InvoiceDocumentsForm should render correct structure with defined adjustments
InvoiceForm component FieldFiscalYearContainer should render edit fiscal year component with required "*" sign and not to have empty input selection ‑ InvoiceForm component FieldFiscalYearContainer should render edit fiscal year component with required "*" sign and not to have empty input selection
InvoiceForm component FieldFiscalYearContainer should render fiscal year component with empty select option ‑ InvoiceForm component FieldFiscalYearContainer should render fiscal year component with empty select option
InvoiceForm component Select vendor interactions with 'Accounting code' should clear accounting code if the vendor have an account ‑ InvoiceForm component Select vendor interactions with 'Accounting code' should clear accounting code if the vendor have an account
InvoiceForm component Select vendor interactions with 'Accounting code' should set the default accounting code if the vendor has an ERP code and does not have any accounts ‑ InvoiceForm component Select vendor interactions with 'Accounting code' should set the default accounting code if the vendor has an ERP code and does not have any accounts
InvoiceForm component Select vendor then export to accounting should be checked ‑ InvoiceForm component Select vendor then export to accounting should be checked
InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should navigate close form when cancel shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should navigate close form when cancel shortcut is called
InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should navigate to list when search shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceForm component Shortcuts should navigate to list when search shortcut is called
InvoiceForm component When adjustment export to accounting is checked then accounting code field should be required ‑ InvoiceForm component When adjustment export to accounting is checked then accounting code field should be required
InvoiceForm component When export to accounting is checked then accounting code field should be required ‑ InvoiceForm component When export to accounting is checked then accounting code field should be required
InvoiceForm component When lock total is checked then lock total amount field should become editable ‑ InvoiceForm component When lock total is checked then lock total amount field should become editable
InvoiceForm component When lock total is unchecked then lock total amount is readonly ‑ InvoiceForm component When lock total is unchecked then lock total amount is readonly
InvoiceForm component should change selected 'Accounting code' value ‑ InvoiceForm component should change selected 'Accounting code' value
InvoiceForm component should display pane footer ‑ InvoiceForm component should display pane footer
InvoiceForm component should display title ‑ InvoiceForm component should display title
InvoiceForm component should render correct structure ‑ InvoiceForm component should render correct structure
InvoiceForm component should uncheck export to account initially ‑ InvoiceForm component should uncheck export to account initially
InvoiceForm component should uncheck lock-total initially ‑ InvoiceForm component should uncheck lock-total initially
InvoiceFormContainer Save should save invoice when duplicates confirmed ‑ InvoiceFormContainer Save should save invoice when duplicates confirmed
InvoiceFormContainer Save should validate invoice duplication before save ‑ InvoiceFormContainer Save should validate invoice duplication before save
InvoiceFormContainer should display InvoiceForm when loaded ‑ InvoiceFormContainer should display InvoiceForm when loaded
InvoiceFormContainer should not display InvoiceForm when loading ‑ InvoiceFormContainer should not display InvoiceForm when loading
InvoiceLineDetails Actions Delete should call deleteInvoiceLine when delete action is confirmed ‑ InvoiceLineDetails Actions Delete should call deleteInvoiceLine when delete action is confirmed
InvoiceLineDetails Actions Delete should open confirmation modal when Delete invoice line action is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetails Actions Delete should open confirmation modal when Delete invoice line action is called
InvoiceLineDetails Actions Edit should call goToEditInvoiceLine when edit action is pressed in ActionMenu ‑ InvoiceLineDetails Actions Edit should call goToEditInvoiceLine when edit action is pressed in ActionMenu
InvoiceLineDetails Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetails Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceLineDetails Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetails Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceLineDetails Shortcuts should call goToEditInvoiceLine when edit shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetails Shortcuts should call goToEditInvoiceLine when edit shortcut is called
InvoiceLineDetails should render correct subtitle for invoice line ‑ InvoiceLineDetails should render correct subtitle for invoice line
InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should make delete request when deleteInvoiceLine action is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should make delete request when deleteInvoiceLine action is called
InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should mutate the invoice line when updateInvoiceLineTagList action is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should mutate the invoice line when updateInvoiceLineTagList action is called
InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice details when closeInvoiceLine action is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice details when closeInvoiceLine action is called
InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice line edit form when goToEditInvoiceLine action is called ‑ InvoiceLineDetailsContainer Actions should redirect to invoice line edit form when goToEditInvoiceLine action is called
InvoiceLineDetailsContainer should display InvoiceLineDetails when loaded ‑ InvoiceLineDetailsContainer should display InvoiceLineDetails when loaded
InvoiceLineDetailsContainer should fetch invoice, invoice line and order line when invoice line is connected ‑ InvoiceLineDetailsContainer should fetch invoice, invoice line and order line when invoice line is connected
InvoiceLineDetailsContainer should not display InvoiceLineDetails when loading ‑ InvoiceLineDetailsContainer should not display InvoiceLineDetails when loading
InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should navigate close form when cancel shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should navigate close form when cancel shortcut is called
InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should navigate to list when search shortcut is called ‑ InvoiceLineForm component Shortcuts should navigate to list when search shortcut is called
InvoiceLineForm component should display inactive account warning message when the selected account is inactive ‑ InvoiceLineForm component should display inactive account warning message when the selected account is inactive
InvoiceLineForm component should render correct structure ‑ InvoiceLineForm component should render correct structure
InvoiceLineFormContainer Save should handle error ‑ InvoiceLineFormContainer Save should handle error
InvoiceLineFormContainer Save should make POST request to create invoice line ‑ InvoiceLineFormContainer Save should make POST request to create invoice line
InvoiceLineFormContainer Save should make PUT request to update invoice line ‑ InvoiceLineFormContainer Save should make PUT request to update invoice line
InvoiceLineFormContainer should display InvoiceLineForm when loaded ‑ InvoiceLineFormContainer should display InvoiceLineForm when loaded
InvoiceLineFormContainer should fetch invoice line in edit mode ‑ InvoiceLineFormContainer should fetch invoice line in edit mode
InvoiceLineFormContainer should fetch invoice ‑ InvoiceLineFormContainer should fetch invoice
InvoiceLineFormContainer should not display InvoiceLineForm when loading ‑ InvoiceLineFormContainer should not display InvoiceLineForm when loading
InvoiceLineInformation should display info invoice line connected to order line ‑ InvoiceLineInformation should display info invoice line connected to order line
InvoiceLineInformation should display info invoice line not connected to order line ‑ InvoiceLineInformation should display info invoice line not connected to order line
InvoiceLineOrderLineLink should display find po plugin (unavailable mode) ‑ InvoiceLineOrderLineLink should display find po plugin (unavailable mode)
InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should call link prop when link icon is pressed ‑ InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should call link prop when link icon is pressed
InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should display clip copy icon ‑ InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should display clip copy icon
InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should display link icon when status is not post approval ‑ InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should display link icon when status is not post approval
InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should display order line number when defined ‑ InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should display order line number when defined
InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should not display clip copy icon ‑ InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should not display clip copy icon
InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should not display link icon when status is post approval ‑ InvoiceLineOrderLineNumber should not display link icon when status is post approval
InvoiceLineVersionHistory should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked ‑ InvoiceLineVersionHistory should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked
InvoiceLineVersionHistory should display Invoice version details ‑ InvoiceLineVersionHistory should display Invoice version details
InvoiceLines should render correct structure ‑ InvoiceLines should render correct structure
InvoiceLinesActions should display add invoice line action modals when button is pressed ‑ InvoiceLinesActions should display add invoice line action modals when button is pressed
InvoiceLinesActions should display create invoice line action ‑ InvoiceLinesActions should display create invoice line action
InvoicesList Filters section should display org filters ‑ InvoicesList Filters section should display org filters
InvoicesList Filters section should display org result list ‑ InvoicesList Filters section should display org result list
InvoicesList Filters section should display reset filters control ‑ InvoicesList Filters section should display reset filters control
InvoicesList Filters section should display search control ‑ InvoicesList Filters section should display search control
InvoicesList Shortcuts should navigate to form when new shortcut is called ‑ InvoicesList Shortcuts should navigate to form when new shortcut is called
InvoicesListContainer should display InvoicesList ‑ InvoicesListContainer should display InvoicesList
InvoicesListContainer should load invoice vendors ‑ InvoicesListContainer should load invoice vendors
InvoicesListContainer should pass useInvoices result to InvoiceList ‑ InvoicesListContainer should pass useInvoices result to InvoiceList
InvoicesListFilters should render correct structure when disabled ‑ InvoicesListFilters should render correct structure when disabled
InvoicesListFilters should render correct structure ‑ InvoicesListFilters should render correct structure
InvoicesListLastMenu Actions should call toggleExportModal prop ‑ InvoicesListLastMenu Actions should call toggleExportModal prop
InvoicesListLastMenu should render correct structure ‑ InvoicesListLastMenu should render correct structure
OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should display pagination ‑ OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should display pagination
OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should render RelatedInvoiceLines multicolumn list ‑ OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should render RelatedInvoiceLines multicolumn list
OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should render loading ‑ OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should render loading
OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should sort by elements by invoice date onclick header ‑ OtherRelatedInvoiceLines should sort by elements by invoice date onclick header
POLineField should display lookup plugin in interactive mode ‑ POLineField should display lookup plugin in interactive mode
POLineField should format order line field value to line number ‑ POLineField should format order line field value to line number
POLineField should not display lookup plugin in non interactive mode ‑ POLineField should not display lookup plugin in non interactive mode
PrintVoucher -> ComponentToPrint should render correct structure ‑ PrintVoucher -> ComponentToPrint should render correct structure
PrintVoucher -> PrintContent should display ComponentToPrint when dataSource is defined ‑ PrintVoucher -> PrintContent should display ComponentToPrint when dataSource is defined
PrintVoucher -> PrintContent should not display ComponentToPrint when dataSource is not defined ‑ PrintVoucher -> PrintContent should not display ComponentToPrint when dataSource is not defined
PrintVoucherContainer should call handlePrint when loading is finished ‑ PrintVoucherContainer should call handlePrint when loading is finished
PrintVoucherContainer should display PrintContent ‑ PrintVoucherContainer should display PrintContent
ReceivingHistory should render received pieces list ‑ ReceivingHistory should render received pieces list
SettingsAdjustmentsList Shortcuts should navigate to new form when new shortcut is called ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsList Shortcuts should navigate to new form when new shortcut is called
SettingsAdjustmentsList should render correct structure ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsList should render correct structure
SettingsAdjustmentsView Actions should call onDelete prop when delete is confirmed ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsView Actions should call onDelete prop when delete is confirmed
SettingsAdjustmentsView Actions should open confirmation modal when delete action is pressed ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsView Actions should open confirmation modal when delete action is pressed
SettingsAdjustmentsView SettingsAdjustmentsView shortcuts should call close when cancel shortcut is called ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsView SettingsAdjustmentsView shortcuts should call close when cancel shortcut is called
SettingsAdjustmentsView SettingsAdjustmentsView shortcuts should navigate to edit form when edit shortcut is called ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsView SettingsAdjustmentsView shortcuts should navigate to edit form when edit shortcut is called
SettingsAdjustmentsView should render correct structure ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsView should render correct structure
SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should close view when adjustment has been deleted ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should close view when adjustment has been deleted
SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should make Delete request when delete adjustment (onDelete) action is called ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should make Delete request when delete adjustment (onDelete) action is called
SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should not close view when adjustment has not been deleted ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should not close view when adjustment has not been deleted
SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should show success message when adjustment has been deleted ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer Actions should show success message when adjustment has been deleted
SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer should display SettingsAdjustmentsView ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer should display SettingsAdjustmentsView
SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer should fetch adjustment ‑ SettingsAdjustmentsViewContainer should fetch adjustment
SettingsVoucherNumberReset should display voucher number reset button ‑ SettingsVoucherNumberReset should display voucher number reset button
SettingsVoucherNumberReset should hide reset button in non-interactive format ‑ SettingsVoucherNumberReset should hide reset button in non-interactive format
StatusValue should display status value ‑ StatusValue should display status value
VendorAddress component should display vendor address ‑ VendorAddress component should display vendor address
VendorDetails should render correct structure for invoice vendor details ‑ VendorDetails should render correct structure for invoice vendor details
VendorPrimaryAddress component should display address ‑ VendorPrimaryAddress component should display address
VendorPrimaryAddress component should not display address ‑ VendorPrimaryAddress component should not display address
VersionHistory should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked ‑ VersionHistory should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked
VersionHistory should display Invoice version details ‑ VersionHistory should display Invoice version details
VersionHistoryView should display adjustments and fundDistributions ‑ VersionHistoryView should display adjustments and fundDistributions
VersionHistoryView should display adjustments and poLines ‑ VersionHistoryView should display adjustments and poLines
VersionHistoryView should render component ‑ VersionHistoryView should render component
VersionHistoryViewInvoiceLine should display Loading component ‑ VersionHistoryViewInvoiceLine should display Loading component
VersionHistoryViewInvoiceLine should display invoice line description ‑ VersionHistoryViewInvoiceLine should display invoice line description
VoucherDetails component should display voucher details ‑ VoucherDetails component should display voucher details
VoucherDetails component should display voucher lines ‑ VoucherDetails component should display voucher lines
VoucherEditContainerComponent Actions should make put request when submit action is called ‑ VoucherEditContainerComponent Actions should make put request when submit action is called
VoucherEditContainerComponent Actions should redirect to voucher view when form cancel is called ‑ VoucherEditContainerComponent Actions should redirect to voucher view when form cancel is called
VoucherEditContainerComponent should display VoucherEditForm when loaded ‑ VoucherEditContainerComponent should display VoucherEditForm when loaded
VoucherEditContainerComponent should fetch invoice when mounted ‑ VoucherEditContainerComponent should fetch invoice when mounted
VoucherEditContainerComponent should fetch voucher config when mounted ‑ VoucherEditContainerComponent should fetch voucher config when mounted
VoucherEditContainerComponent should fetch voucher when mounted ‑ VoucherEditContainerComponent should fetch voucher when mounted
VoucherEditForm Shortcuts should cancel form when cancel shortcut is called ‑ VoucherEditForm Shortcuts should cancel form when cancel shortcut is called
VoucherEditForm Shortcuts should navigate to list view when search shortcut is called ‑ VoucherEditForm Shortcuts should navigate to list view when search shortcut is called
VoucherEditForm should call onCancel prop when cancel button is pressed ‑ VoucherEditForm should call onCancel prop when cancel button is pressed
VoucherEditForm should render correct voucher form structure with editable voucher number ‑ VoucherEditForm should render correct voucher form structure with editable voucher number
VoucherEditForm should render correct voucher form structure ‑ VoucherEditForm should render correct voucher form structure
VoucherExport ConfirmManualExportModal when confirmation modal is open should open 'Confirm run manual export' modal when 'Run manual export' button was clicked ‑ VoucherExport ConfirmManualExportModal when confirmation modal is open should open 'Confirm run manual export' modal when 'Run manual export' button was clicked
VoucherExport ConfirmManualExportModal when confirmation modal is open should run manual export when 'Continue' button was clicked ‑ VoucherExport ConfirmManualExportModal when confirmation modal is open should run manual export when 'Continue' button was clicked
VoucherExport should change sorting when sortable list heading was clicked ‑ VoucherExport should change sorting when sortable list heading was clicked
VoucherExport should close 'Voucher export' pane when 'Cancel' button was clicked ‑ VoucherExport should close 'Voucher export' pane when 'Cancel' button was clicked
VoucherExport should disable 'Batch group' selection when resources are loading ‑ VoucherExport should disable 'Batch group' selection when resources are loading
VoucherExport should render correct structure for voucher export ‑ VoucherExport should render correct structure for voucher export
VoucherExportFooter should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked ‑ VoucherExportFooter should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked
VoucherExportFooter should call 'runManualExport' when 'Run manual export' button was clicked ‑ VoucherExportFooter should call 'runManualExport' when 'Run manual export' button was clicked
VoucherExportFooter should display 'Cancel' and 'Run manual export' buttons ‑ VoucherExportFooter should display 'Cancel' and 'Run manual export' buttons
VoucherInformation should render correct structure for invoice voucher info ‑ VoucherInformation should render correct structure for invoice voucher info
VoucherInformationContainer should display VoucherInformation when voucher is loaded ‑ VoucherInformationContainer should display VoucherInformation when voucher is loaded
VoucherInformationContainer should load voucher lines when voucher is loaded ‑ VoucherInformationContainer should load voucher lines when voucher is loaded
VoucherInformationContainer should load voucher ‑ VoucherInformationContainer should load voucher
VoucherInformationContainer should not display VoucherInformation when voucher is not loaded ‑ VoucherInformationContainer should not display VoucherInformation when voucher is not loaded
VoucherLinesDetails should render correct structure ‑ VoucherLinesDetails should render correct structure
VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should navigate to invoices list when search shortcut is called ‑ VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should navigate to invoices list when search shortcut is called
VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should navigate to voucher edit form when edit shortcut is called ‑ VoucherViewLayer Shortcuts should navigate to voucher edit form when edit shortcut is called
VoucherViewLayer should render correct structure ‑ VoucherViewLayer should render correct structure
calculateTotalAmount should calculate total ammount with adjustments ‑ calculateTotalAmount should calculate total ammount with adjustments
calculateTotalAmount should calculate total ammount without adjustments ‑ calculateTotalAmount should calculate total ammount without adjustments
calculateTotalAmount should get multiplier based on currency ‑ calculateTotalAmount should get multiplier based on currency
createExportReport should display 'invalid reference' label for broken references ‑ createExportReport should display 'invalid reference' label for broken references
createExportReport should return export report object ‑ createExportReport should return export report object
getAccountingCodeOptions should populate options list with default option if the vendor has ERP code ‑ getAccountingCodeOptions should populate options list with default option if the vendor has ERP code
getAccountingCodeOptions should return a list of options for 'Accounting code' based on the vendor accounts ‑ getAccountingCodeOptions should return a list of options for 'Accounting code' based on the vendor accounts
getAccountingCodeOptions should return empty list if the vendor does not have any accounts or ERP code ‑ getAccountingCodeOptions should return empty list if the vendor does not have any accounts or ERP code
getExportData should return export report object ‑ getExportData should return export report object
getUserName should return full name when user is full ‑ getUserName should return full name when user is full
getUserName should return last name only when it is defined ‑ getUserName should return last name only when it is defined
showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLineErrors should call showUpdateInvoiceError with reason response ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLineErrors should call showUpdateInvoiceError with reason response
showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLineErrors should return empty array invoiceLines if invoiceLines are empty ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLineErrors should return empty array invoiceLines if invoiceLines are empty
showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLinesCreation should call createInvoiceLines with invoiceLines ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLinesCreation should call createInvoiceLines with invoiceLines
showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLinesCreation should return empty array invoiceLines if invoiceLines are empty ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError handleInvoiceLinesCreation should return empty array invoiceLines if invoiceLines are empty
showUpdateInvoiceError should error message for outdatedFundIdInEncumbrance ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should error message for outdatedFundIdInEncumbrance
showUpdateInvoiceError should get budgetExpenseClassNotFound error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get budgetExpenseClassNotFound error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get budgetNotFoundByFundId error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get budgetNotFoundByFundId error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get budgetNotFoundByFundIdAndFiscalYearId error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get budgetNotFoundByFundIdAndFiscalYearId error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get expense class by id and return inactiveExpenseClass error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get expense class by id and return inactiveExpenseClass error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get expense class name from response and return inactiveExpenseClass error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get expense class name from response and return inactiveExpenseClass error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get fundCannotBePaid error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get fundCannotBePaid error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get incorrectFundDistributionTotal error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get incorrectFundDistributionTotal error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get userHasNoPermission error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get userHasNoPermission error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should get userNotAMemberOfTheAcq error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should get userNotAMemberOfTheAcq error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should return default error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should return default error message
showUpdateInvoiceError should return inactiveExpenseClass default error message ‑ showUpdateInvoiceError should return inactiveExpenseClass default error message
useAddressCategories should return categoriesMap ‑ useAddressCategories should return categoriesMap
useBatchGroup should return batch group ‑ useBatchGroup should return batch group
useBatchGroupExportConfigs should return export configs for required batch group ‑ useBatchGroupExportConfigs should return export configs for required batch group
useBatchGroupOptions should return batch group options ‑ useBatchGroupOptions should return batch group options
useBatchGroups should fetch batch groups ‑ useBatchGroups should fetch batch groups
useBatchVoucherExports should fetch batch voucher exports for corresponding batch group ‑ useBatchVoucherExports should fetch batch voucher exports for corresponding batch group
useBuildQuery should return function, that return query ‑ useBuildQuery should return function, that return query
useBuildQuery should return query with array field ‑ useBuildQuery should return query with array field
useConfigsAdjustments should return invoice adjustments configurations ‑ useConfigsAdjustments should return invoice adjustments configurations
useExchangeCalculation should return calculated exchange amount ‑ useExchangeCalculation should return calculated exchange amount
useFiscalYear should fetch fiscal year by ID ‑ useFiscalYear should fetch fiscal year by ID
useFiscalYears should fetch all fiscal years ‑ useFiscalYears should fetch all fiscal years
useFundDistributionValidation should send PUT request for validation ‑ useFundDistributionValidation should send PUT request for validation
useHasPendingOrders should return hasPendingOrders: false ‑ useHasPendingOrders should return hasPendingOrders: false
useHasPendingOrders should return hasPendingOrders: true ‑ useHasPendingOrders should return hasPendingOrders: true
useInvoiceLine should return invoice line ‑ useInvoiceLine should return invoice line
useInvoiceLineMutation createInvoiceLines should make post requests for each invoice line ‑ useInvoiceLineMutation createInvoiceLines should make post requests for each invoice line
useInvoiceLineMutation should make delete request when method was specified ‑ useInvoiceLineMutation should make delete request when method was specified
useInvoiceLineMutation should make post request when id is not provided ‑ useInvoiceLineMutation should make post request when id is not provided
useInvoiceLineMutation should make put request when id is provided ‑ useInvoiceLineMutation should make put request when id is provided
useInvoiceLineVersions should return invoice versions ‑ useInvoiceLineVersions should return invoice versions
useInvoiceLinesByInvoiceId should return empty invoiceLines if invoiceId is not provided ‑ useInvoiceLinesByInvoiceId should return empty invoiceLines if invoiceId is not provided
useInvoiceLinesByInvoiceId should return invoice lines by invoiceId ‑ useInvoiceLinesByInvoiceId should return invoice lines by invoiceId
useInvoiceMutation should make delete request ‑ useInvoiceMutation should make delete request
useInvoiceMutation should make post request when id is not provided ‑ useInvoiceMutation should make post request when id is not provided
useInvoiceMutation should make put request when id is provided ‑ useInvoiceMutation should make put request when id is provided
useInvoiceOrders should fetch connected to invoice orders with full vendors ‑ useInvoiceOrders should fetch connected to invoice orders with full vendors
useInvoiceVersions should return invoice versions ‑ useInvoiceVersions should return invoice versions
useInvoices should call fetchVendors to load invoice related vendors ‑ useInvoices should call fetchVendors to load invoice related vendors
useInvoices should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query ‑ useInvoices should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query
useInvoices should return fetched hydrated invoice list ‑ useInvoices should return fetched hydrated invoice list
useManualExportRun should call '' on manual export run ‑ useManualExportRun should call '' on manual export run
useOrderLines should return order lines ‑ useOrderLines should return order lines
useOrders should return orders ‑ useOrders should return orders
useOrdersByPoNumbers should return empty orders if PO numbers are not provided ‑ useOrdersByPoNumbers should return empty orders if PO numbers are not provided
useOrdersByPoNumbers should return orders by PO numbers ‑ useOrdersByPoNumbers should return orders by PO numbers
useOtherRelatedInvoiceLines should fetch connected to po line invoice lines ‑ useOtherRelatedInvoiceLines should fetch connected to po line invoice lines
usePayableFiscalYears should fetch payable (current and previous) fiscal years ‑ usePayableFiscalYears should fetch payable (current and previous) fiscal years
usePrintData should get vendor by voucher vendor id ‑ usePrintData should get vendor by voucher vendor id
usePrintData should get voucher batch group by voucher group id ‑ usePrintData should get voucher batch group by voucher group id
usePrintData should get voucher by invoice id ‑ usePrintData should get voucher by invoice id
usePrintData should get voucher lines by voucher id ‑ usePrintData should get voucher lines by voucher id
usePrintData should return combined data source object ‑ usePrintData should return combined data source object
useReceivingHistory should apply pagination in request if it is set ‑ useReceivingHistory should apply pagination in request if it is set
useReceivingHistory should fetch connected invoice line received pieces ‑ useReceivingHistory should fetch connected invoice line received pieces
useSelectedInvoiceLineVersion should return Invoice version data ‑ useSelectedInvoiceLineVersion should return Invoice version data
useSelectedInvoiceVersion should return Invoice version data ‑ useSelectedInvoiceVersion should return Invoice version data
useVendor should return vendor ‑ useVendor should return vendor
useVendors should return vendors fetched by id ‑ useVendors should return vendors fetched by id
useVoucher should return voucher, voucher lines, invoice ‑ useVoucher should return voucher, voucher lines, invoice
useVoucherByInvoiceId should return voucher by invoice id ‑ useVoucherByInvoiceId should return voucher by invoice id