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Releases: fondberg/spotcast


04 Mar 01:06
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v5.0.0-b30 Pre-release


See v5.0.0-b0 for more detail about the v5 beta

  • #520 Added ability to resume from long dead playback after reboot
  • #521 Fixed issue where resume from long eead playback attempts to add offset to artist context


07 Feb 13:10
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v5.0.0-b29 Pre-release


See v5.0.0-b0 for more detail about the v5 beta

  • #515 Fixed issue where networking issue (ie. internet outage) caused token to be seen as expired
  • Improved the network outage and upstream error experience


27 Jan 21:38
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v5.0.0-b28 Pre-release


See v5.0.0-b0 for more detail about the v5 beta

  • Cleanup Upstream Error management


27 Jan 12:39
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v5.0.0-b27 Pre-release


See v5.0.0-b0 for more detail about the v5 beta

  • Improvement to NoneType object detection for add_audio_feature method


26 Jan 13:54
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v5.0.0-b26 Pre-release


See v5.0.0-b0 for more detail about the v5 beta

  • Improvement to NoneType object detection for add_audio_feature method


25 Nov 17:40
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v5.0.0-b0 Pre-release


This is a pre-release build. Do not install without reading the changelog and expect bugs. If you encounter any bugs, please fill out a Beta Reporting Ticket. Debug logs are expected from the user in these cases. Be ready to actively engage in any ticket opened.

This one was something to build. This here is the first pre-release for Spotcast Version 5. This new version of Spotcast is a complete rewrite of the application to modernise the project to current expectation from Home Assistant and also remove our dependency on the main Spotify Integration as much as possible. There are still a few items to solve, but I feel the code is at a place where testing by a larger audience will be a benefit. For anyone wanting to test out this new version.


  • Rewrite of the core system with its own OAuth manager
  • Separation of spotcast functionalities is separate services
  • Rebuild of the websocket API
  • Creation of spotify connect device media_players
  • Creation of Service Sensors
  • Creating our own media library browser
  • Creation of a dedicated podcast service
  • Creation of a yaml config import
  • Creation of a configuration flow to enable configuring Spotcast from the UI
  • Creation of an option flow to permit modifying options without restarting Home Assistant
  • Creation of a reauth process for when credentials expires
  • Provide a comprehensive UI text definition
  • Provide translations for the different Spotcast Interfaces
  • Creation of a logo and icon for Spotcast
  • Register the icons and logos in Home Assistant branding


The configuration for Spotcast has changed drastically in this build. YAML configuration is no longer available and has been replaced with a UI configuration. Expect the following:

  1. As there is no YAML import at the moment, you will have to remove your entry for spotcast in the configuration.yaml
  2. A Spotify Developper Application is now required to manage the OAuth token. If you have the official Spotify Integration, you can use the same.
  3. All documentation about the new version of spotcast can be found in the dev branch
  4. Expect frequent change in the coming weeks.

Thank you in advance for anyone wanting to test out this pre-release. I have been stress testing it for a bit now and have had very good result, especially in terms of performance for starting playback. I'll be waiting for bugs report, as I am sure there are a lot of edge cases that I did not anticipate


07 Nov 13:15
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Integration testing passed.

Also tested install of 3.9.0 on 2024.11 + ability to update to 4.0.0


17 Oct 12:04
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This release some QOL and a much needed bug fix for spotify-card. Expect the following change in this version:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the spotify card not loading (see #461)
  • Added ability to parse spotify URL as well as URI


  • Removed the transfer playboack when asking for category
  • Added ability to specify the starting position of a track

Thank you for all the contributors in this release:


28 Sep 20:17
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Preventive bugfix for 2024.10. Make uses of the DataUpdateCoordinator from Spotify to fetch devices information from the account.

See #460


21 Aug 19:47
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Bugfix version


  • Fixed issue #451. Error when adding songs to queue