This is a first version of KatKit, a toolkit for modeling humanistic concepts in Python. The Jupyter Notebook is an accompaniment to a long paper presented at DH2024 and a lightning talk at a pre-conference workshop organized by the ADHO Special Interest Group in Digital Literary Stylistics. For more information see below. For citation please refer to the DH2024 long paper.
You can simply open the Jupyter Notebook in Google Colab by clicking on the Open In Colab button.
Gerstorfer, Dominik, Häußler, Julian and Evelyn Gius. 2024: "Reinventing (Literary) Operationalization. Introducing KatKit, a toolkit for modeling humanistic concepts in Python." In DH2024 Book of Abstracts. Washington, D.C.: Zenodo.
Häußler, Julian, Gerstorfer, Dominik and Evelyn Gius. 2024: "Using Jupyter Notebooks as Research and Presentation Environment – Experiences from the Project KatKit." Lightning Talk at the DH2024 Workshop – Computational Literary Studies: How To Do Research Responsibly, Washington, D.C., USA.