Live Example - plugin built specially for this website
Use WoW Attendance Tool instead - standalone tool with more powerful capabilities
Example HTML table (grabbed from live example) you can find in file jekyll.exampletable.html
Add following block to your jekyll config (_config.yml
guild: 374677 # Guild id from
team: 15620 # Team id from (if you dont use teams, set 0)
name: main # Team name for output file
max: 50 #Maximum included reports
twinks: # List of twinks to merge, format: "Result name": ['Twink name 1', 'Twink name 2']
Rakshazi: ['Etke', 'Kaazgul', 'Aresanna']
# If you set all configs in site config file:
jekyll attendance # check _data/attendance_teamname.json
# If you want to set custom config
jekyll attendance --help