Implementation of HoTT-I Type System (of JetBrains Arend).
type exp =
| EKan of Z.t | EVar of name | EHole (* cosmos *)
| EPi of exp * (name * exp) | ELam of exp * (name * exp) | EApp of exp * exp (* Π *)
| ESig of exp * (name * exp) | EPair of exp * exp | EFst of exp | ESnd of exp (* Σ *)
| EI | ELeft | ERight | ECoe of exp (* interval *)
| EPathP of exp | EPLam of exp | EAppFormula of exp * exp (* path *)
| EIso of exp (* univalence *)
| EN | EZero | ESucc | ENInd of exp (* N *)
| EZ | EPos | ENeg | EZInd of exp | EZSucc | EZPred (* Z *)
| EBot | EBotRec of exp (* ⊥ *)
Hurricane was built following these publications:
- Models of Homotopy Type Theory with an Interval Type [Valery Isaev]