VeRAPAk is an algorithmic framework for optimizing formal verification techniques for deep neural networks when it is used for verifying the local adversarial robustness property of classification problems.
Abstraction, Verification, and Partitioning Techniques
Building from source
Clone the VeRAPAk repository via git as follows:
git clone
Build VeRAPAk docker image and run container
docker build -t <image_name> .
docker run --network host -it <image_name>
Note: VeRAPAk can be used in the CLI directly with VERAPAK
command when running within Docker
Image can also be found on Docker Hub
docker pull yodarocks1/verapak:latest
: Allows passing of arguments in a .conf file using key::value
pairs one-per-line
--vnnlib VNNLIB
: VNNLIB region definition. Parse out the centerpoint, intended
label, and radii, and use them if no others are
provided in the config_file or command line flags.
: Path to output directory where adversarial examples
will be stored
: Point around which robustness verification will occur (example of what a point is?)
--label LABEL
: Intended class label number (use index of logit). If
neither this nor a constraint_file are provided, class
of initial_point is assumed as the intended class.
: Output constraints in a file one-per-line. They should
take the form [label...] [other],
where label
is a 0-based output index, constraint
is one of '>', '<', 'min', 'max', 'notmin', 'notmax',
and '<=', and other
is a floating point number
(instead of a label) when it ends in f
or contains a
decimal point (.
). #TODO
: Path to serialized DNN model (ONNX, TF, etc) (etc? what formats are supported?) #TODO
: Radius (single value or per dimension array) around
initial point where robustness verification will occur
: Number of abstraction points to generate each pass
: Verification strategy (Eran
OR Discrete search
Discrete Search Parameters
Threshold number of discrete points under which
verification should occur
Granularity (single value or per dimension array): a
valid discretization of the input space (8 bit image
-> 1/255)
ERAN Parameters
ERAN timeout: 0 for no timeout, negative timeout is a multiple of the full timeout
: Abstraction strategy (center
, fgsm
, rfgsm
FGSM Parameters
Granularity (single value or per dimension array): a
valid discretization of the input space (8 bit image
-> 1/255)
R-FGSM Parameters
Granularity (single value or per dimension array): a
valid discretization of the input space (8 bit image
-> 1/255)
Balance factor (1.0 -> all FGSM, 0.0 -> purely random)
Dimension ranking strategy: (
, by_index
, largest_first
Partitioning strategy (largest_first
Number of divisions on each dimension during
Number of dimensions to partition
Lower bound for the region
Upper bound for the region
--timeout TIMEOUT
Number of seconds to run the program before reporting all found adversarial examples and timing out (set to
0 for 'run until interrupted')
Number of seconds between status reports
If given, halt on the first adversarial example (loose
, strict
, none
Remove colorization of the output (currently only
implemented for errors)
Command line arguments can be passed directly:
verapak --graph nets/net2bverified.onnx --vnnlib cifar10_spec_idx_1_eps_0.00784.vnnlib --abstraction_strategy rfgsm --verification_strategy eran --output_dir "./src/out"
Arguments can also be passed in a .conf file using keyword :: value
for pairs one per line:
verapak --config_file=test_a.conf
graph :: vnncomp/cifar2020/nets/convBigRELU__PGD.onnx
vnnlib :: vnncomp/cifar2020/specs/cifar10_spec_idx_1_eps_0.00784.vnnlib
abstraction_strategy :: rfgsm
verification_strategy :: eran
A handful of example networks and strategies can be found in the examples
Below we show how to run VeRAPAk using these example networks and strategies:
cd ./examples
verapak --config_file=test_a.conf --output_dir="/src/out" --timeout 0 --halt_on_first loose
Resulting output:
Final Report
@ 105.7587821483612
Percent unknown: 0.0%
Percent known safe: 0.0%
Percent known unsafe: 0.0%
Percent partially unsafe: 100.0%
Adversarial examples: 0
The abstraction strategy is a swappable module that alters the method of choosing points that are most likely refute the adversarial robustness property by generating an adversarial example.
Center Point
- This strategy assumes the central point is the most representative of the given region. May perform well under the assumption that adversarial examples commonly exist in clusters
Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)
White box attack requiring access to the network to create an adversarial example
Utilizes the gradients of the network with given input to create new image in which loss is maximized
- adv_x: Adversarial Image
- x: Original image
- y: Original input label
$\epsilon$ : Multiplier to ensure the perturbations are small -
$\theta$ : Model Parameters - J: Loss
I. Goodfellow, J. Shlens, and C. Szegedy, “Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2015 EXPLAINING AND HARNESSING ADVERSARIAL EXAMPLES,” 2015. Available:
Random Point
- Naive approach to abstraction in which points are selected at random. Utilized as a control for experiments rather than viable abstraction method.
Random Fast Gradient Sign Method (R-FGSM)
- FGSM strategy suffers from minimal varience in repeated calls with an identical base point, limiting the potential use for adversial generation
- Our proposed solution introduces dimension selection heuristics to allow randomized selection providing increased varience and increase success rate of adversial generation
ETH Robustness Analyzer for Nueral Networks (ERAN)
ERAN is a state-of-the-art analyzer for verifying neural networks making use of abstract interpretation to analyze networks with feedforward, convolutional, and residual layers against input perturbations.
ERAN supports multiple analysis techniques including: DeepZ, DeepPoly, GPUPoly, RefineZono, and RefinePoly/RefineGPUPoly.
ERAN source:
G. Singh, T. Gehr, M. Püschel, and M. Vechev, ‘An abstract domain for certifying neural networks’, Proc. ACM Program. Lang., vol. 3, no. POPL, Jan. 2019.
Discrete search
Regions are partitioned by the partitioning engine which determines the number of resulting subregions
Largest First
- Largest first partitioning strategy subdivides the largest regions first into equal subregions i.e. 3 largest regions would become 9 equal subregions
- Ensure the following are installed
- python (>= 3.6)
- tensorflow == 2.5.0
- onnx-tensorlfow==1.9.0
- CMake
- m4
- autoconf
- libtool
- texlive-latex-base
sudo apt install cmake m4 autoconf libtool
- python (>= 3.6)
Build and Install ERAN verification engine
git clone /src/eran/ cd /src/eran ./ ~ No gpu acceleration ./ --use-cuda ~ Gpu acceleration bash ./ ENV PYTHONPATH="/src/eran/python_interface"
Install Boost Libraries
wget tar -xvzf boost_1_77_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_77_0 ./ --with-python=python3 --with-libraries=python,system ./b2 install
Get and Install VERAPAK
mkdir /src/VERAPAK cd /src/VERAPAK git clone mkdir /src/VERAPAK/_build cd /src/VERAPAK/_build cmake .. make install -j4
Formal Verification Research Lab