This is the official Jenkins plugin for the Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) and Fortify Software Security Center (SSC).
You can find plugin documentation here:
For more information about Fortify SCA please visit
For more information about Fortify SSC please visit
To build the plugin and connect your IDE for a remote debug session, you can use the following script:
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
mvn clean
mvn package -Dssc.url=
mvn -Djetty.port=8181 -DskipTests=true hpi:run
You are required to obtain Fortify SSC authentication token to use the server related functionality of the plugin (which includes build failure conditions and getting all vulnerability results in Jenkins).
- SSC authentication token (either JenkinsToken or CIToken). Token creation command:
$ fortifyclient token -gettoken JenkinsToken -url http://localhost:8180/ssc -user admin
- Tests. Upon building process junit tests from the plug-in use connection to SSC.
To override default SSC location (localhost:8080) you can specify optional SSC URL parameter 'ssc.url'.
For example:
See other default parameters to override in file.
mvn package -Dssc.url=[:port]/ssc/
The mvn command line arguments are passed to Java as MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS, test cases will read this environment variable and set different url and tokens during testing. Corresponding test cases will be skipped if the SSC is not started.