An Objective-C wrapper for msgpack-c. Focuses on ease of use and speed. If you need configurability, there are other, more advanced libraries, for example MPMessagePack.
This library will always try to use sane defaults. If any nil value is encountered in the MessagePack-data, the object will
be omitted instead of returning an [NSNull null]
. This means that there can be no nil objects in dictionaries, and object-less
keys will be lost in translation.
#import <msgpack-objc/MessagePack.h>
NSDictionary *dictionary = @{@"name": @"msgpack-objc"};
NSData *messagePackData = [MessagePack packObject:dictionary];
NSDictionary *unpackedDictionary = [MessagePack unpackData:messagePackData];
(using MessagePack timestamps)NSDictionary
The library supports MessagePack timestamps,
and will return an NSDate
-object whenever one is encountered. When serializing, any NSDate
-objects will also be
serialized as native MessagePack timestamps.
You can add native serialization for your own classes by conforming to protocol MessagePackSerializable
and register it like this:
[MessagePack registerClass:Person.class forExtensionType:14];