- NatureDSP Library for HiFi3 & HiFi3z DSP cores
- The source code is common to both HiFi-3 and HiFi-3Z cores.
- The xws provided supports both HiFi3 and HiFi3z.
- Select the required HiFi-3 or HiFi-3z core for building, in both xws and linux environments.
- Last stable release version of the NDSP contains two xws files.
- An xws each, for the library-kernels and the test-driver. Ex : HiFi3_VFPU_Library_v5_0_0.xws & HiFi3_VFPU_Demo_v5_0_0.xws
- Building and executing the xws in Xtensa Xplorer is described in the API Reference Document.
- Building and executing the source code in linux is described in the https://github.com/foss-xtensa/ndsplib-hifi3z/tree/main/doc.
- Detailed release documentation can be extracted from lib.xws/doc folder.
- This is the GitHub release package created with the beta release V5.0.0.
Release Date : Feb 2025.
The source code has been updated to make it compatible with RJ-2024.4 tool chain.
Verification & testing has been done with a very limited number of HiFi-3 (LX6.0.2)and HiFi-3z cores (LX8.0.3), with RJ-2024.4 tool chain
Sanity testing has been done for backward compatibility on xt-clang using RJ-2024.3 tool chain (LX8.0.3) core for HiFi3z and LX6 cores for HiFI3..
Known issues:
- For dct functional regression in -func_brief and -func_full, the test vectors are picked up from the sanity folder.
- This contains the source code (NDSP_HiFi3_v500.zip) along with make files that will build in linux environment.
This contains help documentation on how to build the source code in linux and run the performance and functional regressions.