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Installing the self signed version of OneDrive Cloud Player

JohannesKauffmann edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 5 revisions

Installing the self-signed app package

This page gives instructions on how to sideload and install OneDrive Cloud Player using a version of the app which has been self-signed by the developers. This process involves temporarily trusting our certificate, installing the app and removing the certificate.

The certificate is only needed during installation, not during runtime. However, since the certificate expires after a year, it might not be possible to reinstall the app using the provided certificate. Please shoot us a message if that's the case or re-sign it yourself.

Disclaimer: Use caution whenever you trust random people's binaries and certificates on your system. The maintainers are not in any way responsible for the consequences of your actions.


To begin, you'll need to download the latest * package from the releases page, choosing the architecture which matches the architecture of your system. Unpack it somewhere you can find it easily. You'll also need administrator access on your local machine.

Trusting the certificate

If you've been following along, you should have a folder wtih two files (.cer / .msix) and a folder called Dependencies (since 1.2.2 there are also .appxsym files, you can ignore those). Double-click the .cer file and choose Install Certificate.... This will open the Certificate Import Wizard. Choose Local Machine as the Store Location and click next. Confirm the UAC prompt and choose Place all certificates in the following store. Then, click Browse and select the Trusted People store. Hit OK, the Next and then Finish. The certificate should now be installed.

Installing the app

Next, double-click the .msix and hit Install. This should install the app and it's dependencies on your local machine. From there on, it can be found in the start menu like any other app.

Uninstalling the certifcate

To uninstall the certificate you just installed, type Manage computer certificates in the Windows search bar. This prompts for UAC once again, after which it opens a new wndow with all certificate stores on the left. Select Trusted People on and then Certificates. By default, there should only be one certificate listed. Right-click the entry, choose Delete and confirm the prompt.