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Tempest.Functional helps you write more functional C# (hopefully!).


The Optional type allows you avoid using null for missing data and instead wrap it in a monadic type. The type and supporting functions have been designed for ease of use and efficiency, allowing you to functionaly operate on data without needless memory allocations.

Creating an optional containing a value

// Using an implicit conversion
Optional<int> age = 20;

// or

var age = Optional.Some(20);

// or even

var age = new Optional<int>(20);

Creating an optional containing nothing (none)

Optional<int> age = Option.None;

// or

Optional<int> age = default;

// or even

Optional<int> age = new();

Alternatively you can bring in the none pseudo-keyword from the Tempest.Functional.Keywords.None class:

using static Tempest.Functional.Keywords.None;

Option<int> age = none;

Creating from nullable types

If you've got a nullable value or reference type then you can easily lift it into an Option using the From methods:

int? age = 10;

// optionalAge is a Option<int>
var optionalAge = Option.From(age);

string? name = "Bob";

// optionalName is a Option<string>
var optionalName = Option.From(name);

If the nullable value or reference is null then the returned option is none:

int? age = null;

// optionalAge is a Option<int>
var optionalAge = Option.From(age);

// This will be true
    Console.WriteLine("There's no age");

Checking for none

You can test to see if an option is none using either the IsNone property of comparing with the None constant:

Option<int> age = ...;

    Console.WriteLine("There's no age");

// or

if(age == Option.None)
    Console.WriteLine("There's no age");

// or

if(age != Option.None)
    Console.WriteLine("we've got an age");

Extracting the value

If your option contains a value then you can get it out in a variety of ways.

To get the value unconditionally use Value(). Note that it will throw an exception if the option is none.

// Value() will throw is the option in none
Option<int> age = ...;
var unpackedAge = age.Value();

To get the value or return a default use ValueOr():

Option<int> age = ...;
var unpackedAge = age.ValueOr(-1);

// Or to source the default from somewhere else
Option<int> age = ...;
var unpackedAge = age.ValueOr(() => MakeDefaultAge());

The OrElse extension method returns the option if it is something, otherwise it returns the value passed in:

Option<int> age = ...;

// If age is none then it will be set to Some(30)
age = age.OrElse(30);

Matching against the option

The Match function allows you to process the value help in the option.

Option<string> name = ...;

int length = name.Match
                some: x => x.Length,
                none: () => -1

You can conditionally extract the value using TryGetValue:

Option<int> age = ...;
if(age.TryGetValue(out var someAge))
    Console.WriteLine("Got an age");

Transforming an option

The Select function allows you to transform an option into a new option.

Option<string> name = "Robert";
Option<int> length = name.Select(n => n.Length);

If the option you are selecting against is none then the result will be none for the target type:

Option<string> name = Option.None;
Option<int> length = name.Select(n => n.Length);

// length == Option.None

Extracting to a nullable type

You can extract the option to a nullable value or reference type using the ToNullable extension method.

Option<int> age = Option.None;
var nullableAge = age.ToNullable(); // age is int?

Option<string> name = ...;
var nullableName = name.ToNullable(); // name is string?


Linq support is available via the SelectMany extension method.

Option<int> x = new(10);
Option<int> y = new(20);

var total = from a in x
            from b in y
            select a + b;

// total is Some(30)
Option<int> x = new(10);
Option<int> y = Option.None;

var total = from a in x
            from b in y
            select a + b;

// total is None

Avoiding memory allocations

Many of the option methods allow you to pass in a lambda to process the option. If this lambda is a closure then this will lead to a memory allocation. Although these allocations are typically small gen-0 objects they may be a performance issue on a critical path.

To avoid these allocation methods that take a lambda allow you to pass a state argument that will be forwarded to the lambda, thus allowing you to avoid creating a closure. You can enforce this by marking the lambda as static.

For example, this method will create a closure to capture the surname parameter:

public void AddSurname(string surname)
    Option<string> firstname = LoadName();

    var fullname = firstname.Match
                      some: name => name + surname,
                      none: ()   => "no name"

You can avoid the allocation of the closure by passing in the surname as a state argument:

public void AddSurname(string surname)
    Option<string> firstname = LoadName();

    var fullname = firstname.Match
                      some: static (name, surname) => name + surname,
                      none: static surname         => "no name"

If you have multiple bits of data you'd like to pass as state then wrap them in a tuple:

public void AddSurname(string middlename, string surname)
    Option<string> firstname = LoadName();

    var fullname = firstname.Match
                      (middlename, surname)
                      some: static (name, names) => name + names.middlename + name.surname,
                      none: static names         => "no name"

When using the stateful overloads the state is always the final parameter to the lambda.


The Unit type is used to indicate the absence of a value.

Although void plays a similar role in C# it is very much a second class citizen in the type system and can lead to awkward overload situations. For example, there is Action<> for lambdas that do not return a value and Func<> for lambdas that do return a value. Likewise there is Task for async methods that do not return a value and Task<> for async methods that do.

The UnitTask class in the Tempest.Functional.Threading namespace provides convenient ways to create a Task<Unit> instances, and comes with a CompletedTask instance that can be reused in order to avoid task allocations.

You can use the unit pseudo-keyword in Tempest.Functional.Keywords.Unit to provide a more descriptive way of returning a Unit type:

using static Tempest.Functional.Keywords.Unit;

Func<Unit> sayHello =
    return unit;


Functional types and extensions for C#








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