2019-08-03 - Version 4.3.2 for Gtk3 released
Note: This is a bug fix and feature enhancement release of GtkSheet V4 for Gtk3
- Gtk+-3.22.16 or later
Support for GtkSheet Glade3 plugin:
./configure --enable-glade
Support for GObjectIntrospection:
./configure --enable-introspection
Support for MinGW 32/64-Bit:
./configure ; make ; make install
Support for meson build (see INSTALL for details):
meson setup <builddir>
ninja-build -C <builddir>
Changes (see embedded ChangeLog for details):
- fixed autoresize column to use formatted cell text width
- fixed autoresize column to incorporate column button width and gaps
- autoresize: max column width reduced to 1/3 of window size
- fixed uninitialized cell property "is_markup"